634 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Turnover & Reverse / Simple Card Turnovers
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Peter Duffie Phantom Stab reversed card appears with two selections on either side
  • With Three Selections
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1998 12
Michael Sibbernsen Chaotic Transposition two cards reverse and transpose in various ways, then transpose with two Jokers that have been pocketed at the beginning
Apr. 1998
Onyx (Issue 3)
Doug Conn Conn-version first out-jogged selection turns over, then whole deck
Apr. 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 8)
Joshua Jay Utility Discovery Utility sequence - spectator deals and stops on their own selection, and second selection is then found reversed in the deck
Also published here 1999 43
Karl Fulves Phantom Transpo performer turns card over, spectator's card also turns over
Inspired by 1999
The Fine Print (Issue 10)
Ellis Stanyon The Card Reversed in the Pack No. 17, card replaced in secretly reversed deck with cover card
Related to 1999 26
Ellis Stanyon Several Chosen Cards Reversed No. 32, deck secretly reversed under cover card
1999 49
William G. Edwards Edwards' Dioramic Pack No. 35, selections turn over in fair manner, half face/half back
Variations 1999 148
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note packet version with Ace through Seven of Hearts, chosen value turns over
Inspired by 1999 149
Karl Fulves Any Card Reversed one-handed reverse under handkerchief cover
Inspired by 1999 232
Justin Higham Repeat Reverse
1999 33
Edward Marlo, Justin Higham K-M Reversing Aces Revised Aces reverse one by one
1999 113
Peter Duffie Phantom Stab reversed card appears with two selections on either side
  • With Three Selections
Related toAlso published here July 1999
Onyx (Issue 8)
Eugene Burger The Visibly Turning Cards Rosini's Double Reverse with glorpy
Inspired byAlso published here 2000 219
Bert Allerton Surprise Spelling two cards spelled to, second card shows up reversed
Related to 2000 1040
Dieter Ebel Triple Somersault selection reverses three times in the deck, then it vanishes and appears rising from performer's breast pocket
Also published here 2000 22
Juno Reversed selection reverses and travels to other packet
Also published here 2000 83
Bob King Impromptu Stunner card at position of cut-off number thought-of, this is made to turn over
Inspired byAlso published here 2000 13
Karl Fulves Pass/Don't Pass "Problems"
faced deck, two cards selected from both halves, they're the same and now reversed in deck, posed as a problem
2000 47
Steve Beam The New Math reversed card appears at certain position
2000 64
Woody Landers Triple Acrobatics three cards turn over in deck one by one, last one first wrong than changes into right one
Also published here
  • "The 24 Hour Happy Hour Magician" (Woody Landers lecture notes)
2000 7
Nick Trost One Card Reverse card vanishes from packet and re-appears reversed
2000 164
Barry Price ASAP! - Any Selection, Any Position two cards peeked at, first performer names and number, performer counts to it and selection is found face up, repeat with second selection and spectator counts to it
2000 20
Lee Asher The Third Fastest Card Trick in the World! "Betraying Braue", featuring Braue Reversal Variation
2001 4
Paul Curry, John Scarne, Myles Lyons, Theodore Annemann Two-Card Routine
  • Effect No. 1: Joker and Ace of Spades change places
  • Effect No. 2: Joker on top, Ace on the bottom vanish and are found together in the center
  • Effect No. 3: Joker and ace pushed in the deck, travel to top and bottom
  • Effect No. 4: two numbers are called, counted and the cards found at those positions are Joker and Ace
  • Effect No. 5: Joker and Ace reverse in the deck
  • Effect No. 6: spectator reverses one card behind his back, it is the Joker
  • Effect No. 7: two selections are put face up into the deck, next to them the Joker and the Ace are found
  • Effect No. 8: selections transform into Joker and Ace
  • Effect No. 9: two cards clipped by four paper clips are removed from the pocket, Joker and Ace
Also published here 2001 45
Paul Curry Turn of the Century
Also published here 2001 129
Paul Curry A Period of Darkness selection in the deck and a signed slate turnover in the dark, while spectator secures them on the table
Also published here 2001 258
Masao Atsukawa ひっくり返るカード (Reversed Card) Selection becomes reversed in deck
Inspired by 2001 30
Karl Fulves, Art Altman Faces and Aces No. 42, four cards removed, performer turns one over, cards shuffled back, all four reverse and selection is identified, other three change to Aces
2001 95
Harry Lorayne Pied Piper two selections and "pied piper card" turn over, deck momentarily under table
Also published here 2001 551
Mark Lewis Reverse Card reversed card apparently rights itself
2001 31
Roy Walton Checkmate one of ten cards selected, its mate turns over in the remaining nine-card packet
Inspired by
  • "Up the Garden Path" (Peter Duffie's website)
July 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Frank Zak Inversion Redone card reversal routine with inversion finale
Dec. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Aaron Fisher Revolver first one card sticking out the face down deck turns face up, then the whole deck
2002 26
Jamy Ian Swiss My Reverse Routine card turns over a few times, then the whole deck
Also published here 2002 33
Philip T. Goldstein Revers-Al variation of effect "Baker's Doesn't" with selections reversing themselves
2003 889
Bob King Impromptu Stunner card at position of cut-off number thought-of, this is made to turn over
Inspired byAlso published here 2003 11
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Faith Counter wrong card cut to, its value counted down to find selection which is reversed
Inspired byRelated to 2003 21
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson GB Center Countdown card found face-up when counting down value of another card
2003 101
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Con-Found
2003 38
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson A Card Between Aces four Aces turn over, they're turned back, selection turns over and is between Aces
2003 105
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Turning Tricks two halves placed face-to-face after remembering the facing cards, they vanish, one reversed in deck and other one spelled to
Inspired byRelated to 2003 119
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Double Reversal one at a time two selections reverse
2003 134
Luis H. Trueba Carta al Revés cards are put in card case, all cards turn face up but selection in the center of the deck
Inspired by
  • Dan Harlan's "A Case of Color Blindness"
2003 70
Luis H. Trueba El Cartero Siempre Llama Dos Veces cards are put in card case, all cards turn face up but selection in the center of the deck, when repeated with second selection cards change colors
Inspired by
  • Dan Harlan's "A Case of Color Blindness"
2003 92
T. G. Murphy As a substitute for the "Blackjack Bury" Deck Flip application
Inspired by
  • "Blackjack Bury" (T. G. Murphy, Imagication, p. 55)
2003 38
Jerry Sadowitz, James Steranko Sterankowitz as deck is cut to the table
2004 11
Jerry Sadowitz Another Cut Reverse
Related to
  • Michael A. Perovich move in Lewis Ganson's Magic Book
2004 18
Karl Fulves Going In Reverse two selections, rubber banded deck breaks into two packets at chosen card, other is reversed
2004 83
Dave Campbell Reverso-matic card reverses five times, color-changing back kicker
Also published here 2004 327
Dave Campbell Magnetic Ink card keeps turning over when magnet is held over deck, duplicate
VariationsAlso published here
  • The Gen, Vol. 21 No. 8, Dec. 1965
2004 361
Luke Dancy Warped face-down card between Queens turns face-up, card-warp without bending cards
2004 149
Ron Frost Sequential Evidence Magician cuts deck into three piles, spectator chooses one pile, card is found face up in that pile. Then that pile contains Ace to King of the same suit
2004 53
Ron Frost Twin Flips Card selected, turns face up in red and blue deck
Related to 2004 65
Ron Frost Twin Flips Transpo Card selected, turns face up in red and blue deck, but transposed
Related to 2004 66
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Combined Forces two selections lost, a Five used to stab next to one selection by spectator, then five cards down is the second selection reversed, using BMT and Henry Christ Force
Related to 2004 14
Roy Walton Please Pass two cards selected, one turns over and is used to find second selection
Jan. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 1)
Juan Tamariz, Antón "Mago Antón" López Reversed Cards with hands tied behind back performer is still able to reverse named cards at named positions
2004 128
Juan Tamariz The Reversed Card single card reverse, with repetition, spectator names a number to select card
2004 234
Juan Tamariz The Selection Between the Aces selection travels between Aces on table, when placed back in the deck selection reverses itself
2004 236
Barrie Richardson Bluff Card to Pocket card turns over, then in repeat phase it vanishes and comes from pocket or wallet
Also published here
  • Club 71, Spring 1998
2005 223
Roy Walton Autograph Hunter signature travels to back of another card
Also published here 2005 3
Jack Avis Table Reverse Location two selections, one reversed in deck, it is used to count to second selection
2006 126
Jack Avis The Tabled Reverse - Again spectator names number up to ten, that value reverses itself in deck and is used to count to selection
2006 127
Jack Avis Avis Handling for the Leipzig Pass for a reversed card effect
Inspired by
  • Leipzig Pass in Sphinx magazine
2006 171
Dominic Twose Magic Cards two cards chosen, reversal and back color changes
2006 110
Nick Pudar Out Of Nine one of nine cards is thought of, reverses itself
2007 330
Luke Dancy Going Dutch First selection rises to top, second reverses in deck. Selections transpose, and second selection transforms into four of a kind.
2007 57
David Solomon Right Side Up performer and spectator each select a card from half the deck, everything reassembled, selections are reversed
Related toAlso published here
  • Racherbaumer's Sticks and Stones
2007 45
David Solomon Three Selection Discovery three selections found by spelling, turnover and from pocket
  • Application to the Pellet Classic
Inspired by 2007 51
Jack Parker Revolutionary Card card reverses three times in deck, matching four of a kind as well as climax
June 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 6)
Miguel Gómez La parte y el todo Hofzinser Ace problem, with preamble
2007 147
Syd Segal Two-Timing two cards cut to and lost by spectator with Henry Christ Force procedure (cut and turn pile over), one spelled to and one found reversed
2007 4
Al Leech, Bill Pritz You Decide selection appears at chosen small number, then a predicted card reversed
Inspired by 2008
Prolix (Issue 5)
Roy Walton Shift Work faced deck, two cards chosen, they turn over in their halves
Oct. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 10)
Thomas Baxter Pinching Strippers card reverses in case, then travels to case, duplicate
Related to Aug. 2008
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. Annual 2007)
Allan Slaight The Eclectic Deck stack for seventeen effects
  • 1. one of five cards thought of and located
  • 2. card location
  • 3. face-up deal stopped, value used to count to selection
  • 4. spelling to thought-of card
  • 5. open prediction
  • 6. card from packet to pocket
  • 7. two-card transposition
  • 8. card from hand to pocket
  • 9. Aces stacked, then Royal Flush dealt
  • 10. five good hands dealt
  • 11. blackjack demo with rubber-banded deck
  • 12. bridge demo with all Spades
  • 13. three-way transposition
  • 14. two selections reverse
  • 15. card chosen, spelled to and some matching cards found
  • 16. Ace assembly (not explained)
  • 17. Mind Mirror challenge location
  • Final Thoughts
  • Closing Credits (credits for all effects)
Also published here 2008 36
Jon Racherbaumer PSI Con Carte card inserted by spectator in deck behind his back reverses
Also published here 2008 95
Ken Krenzel Spread Reverse Glimpse Application invisible card presentation for reverse
2009 46
Ken Krenzel Facial selection reverses and comes to top, then small packet printing and unprinting
2009 117
Jon Racherbaumer, Hideo Kato Hermetic Penetration spectator cuts to a card and inserts it in the center behind his back and then cases deck, performer divines it and it reverses itself
Also published here 2009 5
Hiroyuki Sakai Quiet Revolution spectator choses card during dribbling, deck spread, spread again and selection is seen reversed
Related to Feb. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 2)
John Guastaferro Relay three fair selections, card turns over and changes into selections one by one
2010 28
Tom Sellers Quick Sellers spot card forced, that many cards turn over
Secret Agenda (Issue Nov 7)
Karl Fulves The Band Is Back rubber band vanishes and appears around half the deck, chosen card reversed
Prolix (Issue 7)
Manuel Montes El retorno del angel card is found at number reversed, repeated
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 13)
Gary Plants Collecting - Up in the Air card named and removed, three more cards chosen, mates of named card turn face up somewhere in deck, deck put aside, named card squeezed and it changes in collectors set of named value and selection in between
Inspired by 2010 191
Tom Gagnon Half Pass One using tabled ribbon spread cover, application in which peeked-at card turns over
2011 17
William Goodwin Reversal Tutorial one-way pseudo explanation, sucker, card turns over in the end
2011 23
Eric Evans One Handed Zorro getting into Z-Break one-handed, selection reverses in center as application
Related to 2012 7
Shane Cobalt, Derrick Chung The Visible Deck peeked at card turns over, a second selection is predicted, fair look, using a special peek-deck pair
2012 2
Miguel "MagoMigue" Puga Imaginación performer names cards which appear on top of the deck, then he divines selection and card appears reversed in the deck
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 20)
Peter Duffie Phantom Stab II invisible card thrown between two selections in the deck, so basically reversed card appears between two selections
Inspired byAlso published here
  • "Wild at Heart", ebook by Kyle MacNeil
2012 39
Steven Hamilton Thinking Out Loud card built from two consecutive cards in the deck by taking suit of one and value of the other, that card turns over, then Triumph with four cards reversed at finale, the constructed card and its mates
Also published here 2013 22
Tomoyuki Takahashi One Hand Challenge Reverse card outjogged in packet is reversed behind back, reversed with two cards and squared with the packet
2013 186
Dr. Stanley Jaks Take Three - Again initialed card reverses in deck, with prediction
Inspired by
  • Peter Warlock's "Take Three" in "Pentagram" July, 1955
Also published here
  • "Take Three - Again" in "Pentagram" November, 1955
2014 228
Peter McKinnon Palm Load right hand loads card into center as it is waved over deck
2014 18
Gabi Pareras 1° Girando Cartas all cards turnover, then only named card is reversed
Related to 2014 28
William Goodwin Flip Side Ace to Three of Clubs in center, they visually turn over one by one using Momentum Change, then whole deck
2014 23
Harry Lorayne Spread Control (Universal Reversal) three selections found, two turn over and catch third one
2015 142
Harry Lorayne Quick Trick selection is spelled to with random card, it appears reversed
Inspired by 2015 214
So Sato Reverse Highlight clean reversal of selection(s)
2016 25
Roy Walton Autograph Hunter signature travels to back of another card
Also published here 2016 42
Roy Walton Essential Magic named card vanishes and reappears reversed when spelled to
2016 93
Roy Walton Countdown selection lost, number between ten and twenty chosen, selection found reversed at that number
2016 153
Roy Walton Comic Cards named card is reversed after gag phase
2016 194
Roy Walton Face-Up Swindle selection turns over, humorous presentation
Also published here
  • The Crimp #72
2016 202
Jon Racherbaumer, Hideo Kato Hands Off Reverse card is selected and lost behind back, placed into card case, magician divines card, card is found reversed in the deck. (submitted on June 25, 1971)
Related toAlso published here July 2017
Elixir (Vol. 1 No. 1 (Summer #1))
Michael Kras (In)version Card turns over in deck magically
Related to Oct. 2017
Elixir (Vol. 1 No. 2 (Autumn #1))
Harry Lorayne UR Sandwich naming two apparently random sandwich cards, selection appears reversed in deck and is between those cards
2017 41
Nick Trost Clubbed Again CATO and dealing procedure, then all cards of same suit as selection are found face-up
Inspired by 2017 1464
Asi Wind Echo two decks, card chosen and reversed, same card turns over in other deck, they transpose
Related to 2018 149
Steve Beam Gone Fishing spectator forms card from two cards, after fishing where every answer is no, the card is found reversed in the deck
2018 44
Paul Cummins Double Up selection ends up next to reversed card, invisible cards presentation
Inspired by 2018 53
Harry Lorayne Pied Piper two selections and "pied piper card" turn over, deck momentarily under table
Also published here 2018 22
Iñaki Zabaletta Cartas Vueltas two selections turn over, one by one
Inspired by 2019 25
Larry Jennings Larreverse
2019 28
Jon Racherbaumer I Never Touched the Cards
  • Exhumations
card is inserted by spectator in packet behind his back and then packeted, performer names selection and it reverses
Inspired by Nov. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 11)
Larry Jennings Quick Reverse selection turns over in deck
2020 113
Larry Jennings Quick Tip Count Down value of top card used to count to selection which appears face up
Inspired by 2020 161
Larry Jennings Discrepant … See?
Related to
  • "Flip Over Switch" (Tony Kardyro, Conjurors' Magazine, Sep. 1949)
Also published here
2020 418
Richard Kaufman No Discrepancy
Inspired by Feb. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 2)
Boris Wild ARCAAN "Any Reversed Card at Any Number"
card named, several unsuccessful methods to find it are demonstrated, then it ends up reversed at a named number
  • Variations with the Boris Wild Marked Deck
Inspired by
  • "Illogical Invisible Countdown" (John Carey, Crafted with Carey, 2015)
2021 14
Paul Gallagher Bass Ackwards spectator takes half the deck behind his back, removes a card, remembers it and returns it, performer divines it, it then reverses itself
June 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 6)
Jon Racherbaumer Right Side Up
  • Exhumations
deck cut in half, performer and spectator choose a card from their halves and put them into other half, deck assembled, both selections are reversed
  • David Solomon suggestion to avoid miscalling
Related to Aug. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 8)
Tom Frame Single Handedly spectator peeks at card, performer goes under table with one hand with deck, then card is reversed, repeat with spectator having the performer peek at a card
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Aug. 2006
2022 526
Michael "Six" Muldoon Shocked card reverses itself several times, then deck changes into one-way deck of selection
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Nov. 2007
2022 670
Rafael Tubino Absolute Location card selected, mate turns over and other two of same value are found on either side, faro
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Sep. 2009
2022 888
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Shortcut selection lost in deck, deck cut in two, with a wave over one half it visually turns face up, selection is face down in middle of face-up half
2022 209
Juan Tamariz Polyphony deck cut into three piles, three Queens put in front of the piles, fourth Queen placed aside
  • First Phase (a Queen is inserted the first packet and it comes to the top twice, other Queens lost in their packets, one of the Queens turns face up, the third Queen travels into back pocket)
  • Second Phase (repeat)
  • Third Phase (all three Queens together are put in center and come to top, then turn over at once in different positions, and all travel to pocket)
2022 21
James Steranko Hot Spell two cards selected, one turns over and is used to spell to the second one
Also published here
  • Genii, Nov. 1962
Aug. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 8)
Larry Jennings Name a Number Deal Down any card counted to with a named number, deck dropped on chosen card, card travels upwards from face reversed to original number
Inspired by Dec. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 12)
Patrik Kuffs Stupid Reversal as top (double) and bottom cards are displayed
Related toVariations July 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 7)
David Britland Ultra Reverse Simplified deck put in a bag, spectator removes card, when deck is spread, its mate is reversed
Inspired by Mar. 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 3)