Written by Karl Fulves
Work of Karl Fulves
50 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Joseph K. Schmidt
Language: English
45 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Karl Fulves Introduction
Karl Fulves Makeshift card changes in named card, back to back transformation handling
Related to 2
Karl Fulves Overthrow coin (or other object) on tabled spread during turnover
Karl Fulves Launch Site copper coin under tabled spread, silver on top, silver vanishes and reappears under isolated card
Karl Fulves Force Card Note forcing card with coin on spread via "Overthrow", A-10 set-up
Karl Fulves Trade In two 3s and an Ace change to two Aces and a 3
Inspired by 6
Alignment Move
Karl Fulves Pirouette with extra card
Related to 6
Karl Fulves Rough House three cards in case, two more put in, then those two come out cut up in pieces, story presentation
Related to
  • Richard Himber's "Surprise Stab"
Karl Fulves Unbeknownst bridged deck
Related to 10
Karl Fulves Mexipo 2&2 oil & water sequence with a card transposition, "As the title indicates, this is a transpo-type trick using a Mexican turnover."
Karl Fulves Mexican Turnover from Center
Related to 11
Karl Fulves Sidepockets two selections from the two side pockets, alternative bluff method given
Inspired by 12
Karl Fulves Two Pocket Bluff two cards palmed in one hand are apparently removed from different pockets
Karl Fulves, John Scarne, J. W. Sarles Flash Poker spectator stops performer's shuffle at four Aces, they then change into a royal flush
Related to 14
Overhand Shuffle Stop Force
Ditch on Tabled Packet
Karl Fulves Rivalry black kings catch two Aces, then red kings catch four Aces and previously found aces between black kings are gone
Inspired by 16
Karl Fulves Trade Secrets selection to pocket
Karl Fulves Flushtration Palm bluff in which double card is openly placed in palm, then one card removed
Karl Fulves Rightful Place deck spread face-down on table, spectator marks back of any card, spread turned over, magician correctly guesses card, multiple methods
Variations 20
Karl Fulves Faxfiction three cards on fax machine, two exchanged, image sent, performer on other end names position of unchanged card
Inspired by 22
Karl Fulves Starlite different method for "Rightful Place"
Inspired by 23
Martin Gardner Martin Gardner's Approach different method for "Rightful Place"
Inspired by 23
Karl Fulves Covering the Spread different method for "Rightful Place"
Inspired byVariations 24
Karl Fulves Marksman
Inspired by 25
Karl Fulves This Just Out side-jogged sandwich cards in deck, selection appears between those side-jogged cards
Karl Fulves Non-Symmetric Trap selection lost in deck, two red Jacks with x card cut in deck, black Jack cut in deck and other black Jack left on table, red Jacks now have two black Jacks sandwiched and tabled card is selection
T. Nelson Downs Downs Slip Cut left thumb holds back top card
Related to
  • "The Downs-McGuire Letters" (p. 22)
Karl Fulves Standard Test four Jacks change into two Jacks and a double backer which is split into two Aces
Karl Fulves Daley's Last Handling
Karl Fulves Center Pull Out Double Lift Gemini Count
Related to 33
Karl Fulves, Don Stewart on Splitting and Fusion for magicians, dated to 1950s
Karl Fulves Cast of Characters four jokers, small packet ambitious, change into kings
Karl Fulves Reference Notes on the Center Pull-Out, precursor Marconick
Inspired byRelated to 35
Karl Fulves Run Around one-handed cutting sequence used to find selection with sandwich cards
Karl Fulves Cutting Control to top
Karl Fulves Flourish One-Hand Cut Sequence "Reverse Charlier", see also p. 47 for credit information
Karl Fulves Jackhammer Finish alternate finish to "Run Around", deck with two Jacks sticking out hammered on card case, selection eventually sandwiched in between them
Karl Fulves Kixback prediction card on top of deck between sandwich cards, card selected and put back, it was the prediction card which is still sandwiched
Related to 41
Buckle Side Steal to side-jog the card
Karl Fulves Read No Evil two old pieces of paper, deck cut in three piles, coincidences occur
Karl Fulves Wind-Up Cut cutting sequence to secretly reverse half the deck
Karl Fulves Reverse English
Inspired by 46
Karl Fulves Wind Up Reverse alternative handling, cut that reversed half the deck
Data entered by Denis Behr, July 2016.