Written by Nick Trost
Work of Nick Trost
209 pages (Hardcover), published by H&R Magic Books
Illustrated with drawings by Tony Dunn
Language: English
38 entries
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Reinhard Müller Foreword
Nick Trost Introduction to Volume 7
Chapter 72 - Unique Card Effects
Nick Trost All-Backs Royal Flush five double-backed cards change into Royal Flush
Inspired by 1589
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Rumba Count brief
Nick Trost Blackjack Lesson four red Tens change into two times Ace and Jack of Spades, then into five Jokers
Inspired by
  • "A Lesson in Blackjack" (Father Cyprian, The Lecture Without a Name)
Nick Trost An Optical Illusion five cards change two times
Inspired by 1592
Nick Trost Joker Poker with an Elevator Finish five Jokers change to five Aces, then elevator routine with deck
Inspired byRelated to 1593
Nick Trost Even Odder three odd and three even cards change place, one triple changes to picture cards
Inspired by 1596
Nick Trost Four Perfect Blackjacks four Jacks shown and placed on table, elevator routine with deck, four Aces found at the end
Inspired by 1597
Nick Trost Blackjacked Extended red and black Aces, red Aces placed on table, then red Aces are shown in hand, both pairs change to blackjacks (Ace and Jack pairs), Royal Flush revealed face up in the deck
Inspired by 1599
Nick Trost Four Flush to Royal Flush Homing Card with gambling theme and transformation kicker of both packet and the discarded cards
Inspired by 1601
Nick Trost Ferris' Royal Flushes and Blackjacks two poker hands change to Royal Flushes, four blackjacks show up
Inspired by
  • "Blackjack Ju-Jujistu" (Ron Ferris, Ferris Wheels and Deals, 1980)
  • "FireSTORM" (Ron Ferris, Ferris Wheels and Deals, 1980)
Chapter 73 - More Amazing Coincidences
Nick Trost Meyer's Matching Miracle two cards matched in both halves of the deck with thrust procedure
Inspired by 1605
Nick Trost The Mystic Nine I spectator cuts deck into four piles and does Poker Player's Picnic type procedure, then he counts one packet, adds numbers and counts down that many cards, he has nine cards left and the four Nines are at the top of the tabled packets
Inspired by 1606
Nick Trost The Mystic Nine II number nine forced with 10-20 force, then four Nines show up
Inspired by
  • "A Pack to the Power of 9" (Raymond Grosholz, Magigram, Mar. 1978)
Nick Trost The Mystic Nine III number nine forced with 10-20 force, then four Nines show up
Nick Trost Triple Match I three prediction cards removed from shuffled deck, spectator places them into deck with stop procedure next to mates
Nick Trost Triple Match II spectator riffle shuffles deck, then three cards are mated with re-deal force into three piles
Nick Trost Triple Match III three cards mated via re-dealing packet
Inspired by 1612
Brother John Hamman Flip-Flop Force variation of the Cut-Deeper Force
Nick Trost Regular-Card Telethesia two card packets, one arranges in the same value order as the other, self-duplicating set-up
Inspired by 1613
Nick Trost Sympathetic Suits Again DealFlipDropCut and Swindle Switch
Nick Trost Regular-Deck "Cidentaquin" card chosen, two piles dealt in unison, the thirteenth pair matches in value, chosen card has the same value and the fourth one is located as well
Inspired by 1617
Nick Trost New View Revisited deck in new deck order, spectator has the deck under the table and puts one card reversed in the middle of the deck, it is placed exactly where it belongs in the new deck order
Inspired by 1620
Nick Trost "Total Coincidence" with One Deck first single cards from two halves match, then both halves are in exactly the same order
Inspired by 1621
Chapter 74 - Court Cards
Nick Trost Blind Dates Queens removed as they turn up with riffle shuffles in between, they come out in correct order to match Kings, interlocking chain principle
Inspired by 1625
Nick Trost Separating the Men From the Boys Kings and Jacks are alternated, four cards tabled, the change to Queens, marriage phase
Chapter 75 - More Poker Puzzlers
Nick Trost Vollmer's 242 Deal - Extended
  • Phase One - Vollmer's 242 Deal
  • Phase Two - Draw Poker
  • Phase Three - Climax
Inspired by 1631
Slip Cut standard
Nick Trost Royal Flushed I card chosen, deck cut into three piles with center pile reversed, cards above and below face-up part are removed, repeated, all five cards make up a royal flush
Related to 1634
Nick Trost Royal Flushed II spectator finds royal flush
Nick Trost Royal Flushed III four Aces found, then a royal flush, face-to-face cuts to force cards
Inspired by 1637
Nick Trost Royal Flushed IV LaGerould's Countdown Force to locate a royal flush
Nick Trost Mississippi Diminishing Poker Deal deck riffle shuffled, twenty high cards removed (interlocking chains) for a four-handed game, performer wins, winning hand is discarded and same thing repeated for three players, then two
Data entered by Denis Behr, March 2025.