Written by Christoph Borer
Work of Christoph Borer
268 pages (Hardcover), published by Vanishing Inc.
Illustrated with drawings by Tony Dunn
Language: English
53 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Christoph Borer Preface
Christoph Borer, Thomas Otto Tear Off corner is torn from selection, card is then restored and all the other cards have a corner missing
Also published here 5
Christoph Borer Only the Half of It back of selection changes back color, only half of the back changes color, eventually all cards change back color
Also published here 10
Christoph Borer Oh So Close card chosen, a second deck is spread and a reversed card is seen, it is the wrong card but all other cards are duplicates of selection
Related to 17
Christoph Borer Double Thought half forcing deck, spectator and magician find the selection of the other
Inspired byAlso published here 19
Christoph Borer Year-Round Positivity front page from a small booklet is cut away and then restored but with the page reversed
Also published here 27
Christoph Borer The Technicolor Pencil spectator signs paper in a notepad, various words are written by performer, all in black color, later the words are written in different colors, presentation with instructions written in a letter
Also published here
  • marketed 1987
Christoph Borer My Magical Friend number, city and word is selected and all predicted on a parcel encoded in the sender's address, clear forcing bag
Also published here 39
Christoph Borer Symbolosis matching routine with toilet signs, male / female
Also published here 42
Christoph Borer The Firebrand coin burns through book ans stops on chosen page
Inspired by
  • Alexander Römer's "Kraft des Fluches"
Also published here
Christoph Borer Colorful Backstories wild cards plot adapted to books, printing on cover and inside are altered
Inspired byAlso published here 56
Christoph Borer Travel Brochures out of this world with travel brochures, one have a cross the other a check mark
Related toAlso published here 64
Christoph Borer Messages for Catha spectator selects one of five billets on which is written "Time to start the magic show!", on the other billets are humorous remarks
Also published here 70
Christoph Borer Psychologische Force magician's choice handling, "Vorforce"
Also published here 72
Parlor and Stage
Christoph Borer Romeo and Juliet two cards folded in mouth transpose, with speech practice presentation, different colored backs, duplicate
Inspired byAlso published here 77
Christoph Borer Anagram from a piece of newspaper two selected words are mixed up to form a message, anagram
  • Further Thoughts (letters as numbers idea by Andreas Fleckenstein)
Also published here 84
Christoph Borer, Ulf "Borodin" Bolling Undercover Rose russian roulette type, chosen bag is the one with a rose under it, the other bags are crushed
Also published here 96
Christoph Borer Impossibile presentation for a clean challenge stab, table is flipped over at the end
Also published here 100
Christoph Borer The Free Gift objects with magnets attached are covered with tube, spectator fishes one with magnetic fishing-rod, for anniversaries or when a present has to be submitted magically
  • Many Variations
    • Choosing an Assistant
    • An Additional Gag
    • Music
Also published here 107
Christoph Borer Arsène Lupin five envelopes protrude from a book, last one contains money
Also published here 115
Christoph Borer Count Dracula needle through balloon, balloon starts bleeding
Also published here 122
Christoph Borer Appearing Deck deck of cards appears in pyro flash
Also published here 126
Christoph Borer Razored Deck razor blade card trick
Also published here 129
Christoph Borer Heaven - Hell - Earth Russian roulette with three bags on table, standing open scissors under last bag
Also published here 134
Christoph Borer Digital Cocktail cocktail is chosen from brochure, then glass appears and when brochure is turned over, chosen drink pours out
Also published here 139
Christoph Borer Fifty Shades of Grey seven keys to Baldpate with handcuffs, handcuffed to spectator
Related toAlso published here 142
Christoph Borer Bank Night four envelopes, apparently goes wrong, three consolation prizes which are better than the prize the spectator wins
Also published here 149
Christoph Borer Bibliopolis book among many is selected and a page and a sentence chosen, prediction of content, drawing
  • Method 1: Using ungimmicked books
  • Method 2: Using gimmicked books
Also published here 156
Christoph Borer The Page Force forcing page from a book, riffle force with wedge break
Also published here 163
Christoph Borer Fournominal performer fans through cards and four spectators think of a card, one of each suit, all are divined
Also published here 169
Christoph Borer The Runes of the Goddess Freyja rune stone prediction, prediction with chalk on bigger stone
Also published here 176
Christoph Borer The Nine Rune Symbols and Their Possible Meanings
Christoph Borer Written All Over Your Face ashes on forehead, name of chosen card appears
Also published here 183
Christoph Borer Psychological Riffle force bank of duplicates
Also published here 184
Christoph Borer The Tray Force forcing an object among many, with objects on several trays
Also published here 188
Christoph Borer Super Memory apparently knowing content of a book by heart
Also published here 192
Christoph Borer Pendulums Aplenty group pendulum experience, ideas, tips and a routine
  • Phase One
  • Phase Two
  • Phase Three
  • Key Points
  • Disruptive Audience Members
  • Personal Moments
  • Important
Also published here 198
Christoph Borer Astropendulum spectator locates his zodiac with a pendulum
Also published here 206
Christoph Borer Center Tear Handling with two billets
Also published here 207
Christoph Borer Pendulum spectator finds selection of other spectator with a pendulum
Also published here 212
Christoph Borer The Dowsing Rod spectator separates some cards into red and black with a dowsing rod
Also published here 217
Christoph Borer, Hans-Christian Solka A Mathematical Birthday magic square for birthday, number generated of day and month
Inspired by
  • "Euphoria" (Hans-Christian Solka, Melencolia I ebook)
Also published here
Christoph Borer Three-Card Miracle prediction of three cards, half forcing deck, version with and without stooge
Also published here 234
Christoph Borer Runic Revelation one of several rune stones is selected, prediction of rune symbol on pendant
Also published here 239
Christoph Borer Rune Memory two sets of identical rune stones, matching routine with spectator
  • The First Match
  • The Second Match
  • The Third Match(es)
  • The Final Match(es)
Also published here 243
Christoph Borer Lea cards with tombstones, names written on them, selection was named before trick begun
Also published here 253
Christoph Borer The Contract spectator signs contract, when opened up again content has changed and he gave his soul to the devil
Also published here 257
Christoph Borer Death by Chocolate five spectators select a chocolate-truffle from a box, they are all brown, the one that is remaining is white, poison story
  • Method 1 - Using a stooge
  • Method 2 - Using a gimmicked box
Also published here 264
Data entered by Denis Behr, January 2025.