This book is written in three languages, but only the French text is listed below.
Written by Marconick
Work of Marconick
30 pages (Stapled), published by Editions Techniques du Spectacle
Illustrated with drawings by Frederik Kemner, John Elferink
Language: German, French, Italian
30 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Marconick Double noeud silk produced in knot of rope, repeated
Also published here 1
Marconick Production de serpentins production of paper streamers from rolled up Kleenex paper, with box
Also published here 1
Marconick Vingtième siècle two knotted silks are pulled apart and silk on arm jumps visibly in between tied to the other silks
Also published here 2
Marconick Cravate coupée et raccommodée
Also published here 3
Marconick Changement de couleur dans un verre silk changes in glass
Also published here 5
Marconick Ruban coupé et raccommodé
Also published here 6
Marconick Magazine déchiré et reconstitué sheet from magazine
Also published here 7
Marconick L'anneau sur le ruban ring on ribbon vanishes inside ring box and appears againg
Also published here 8
Marconick Le foulard pris au lasso two loops of rope linked together and silk appears in the middle
Also published here 9
Marconick Le grenouille qui parle frog puppet in hat, with false rubber hand
Also published here 10
Marconick Disparition d'une carte sur la table card on table is covered with hand
Also published here 10
Marconick Volte-face card jumps out of tabled deck when hands are clapped, air pressure
Also published here 11
Marconick Magie mentale three glasses with different silks, ESP cards are removed, last card is predicted on slate
Also published here 12
Marconick Production de champagne using two tubes, half the size of the bottle
Also published here 13
Marconick Production de cigarettes lighter produced as climax
Also published here 14
Marconick Les foulards enchaînés knotted silk rings are linked
Also published here 16
Marconick Houlette Radio deck in case, stick placed in the side and turned to make card rise
Also published here 17
Marconick Disparition instantanée d'un foulard from plastic tube
Also published here 18
Marconick Variation sur les foulards en triangle silks changes order in which they are knotted together, chain and triangle
Also published here 18
Marconick Equilibre parfait d'un verre glass in ring on rope is wheeled around
Also published here 20
Marconick Le disque Zombie Zombie style
Also published here 20
Marconick Corde coupée en trois et raccommodée rope cut into three pieces is restored, loop
Also published here 21
Marconick Evasion de foulards two silks knotted on two ropes jump off, then ropes become one rope
Also published here 22
Marconick Transformation de bouteilles en colombes bottles covered with tube change to doves
Also published here 23
Marconick Disparition d'une colombe ou d'un lapin with tray and folding screen
Also published here 24
Marconick Production d'éventails de cartes several fans produced behind other fan
Also published here 24
Marconick Apparition de deux foulards de nulle part with thread form inside pocket
Also published here 25
Marconick Une idée lumineuse light bulb screwed into unconnected socket lights up
Also published here 26
Marconick Le noeud le plus rapide du monde two ends of silk are knotted together when placed inside fist
Also published here 27
Marconick La carte épinglée card appears on lapel, secured with safety pin
Also published here 28
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, December 2024.