This book is written in four languages, but only the English text is listed below.
Written by Marconick
Work of Marconick
80 pages (Hardcover), published by Mephisto Huis
Illustrated with drawings by Cas. G. Ziekman
Language: English, German, French, Dutch
23 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Marconick Production of an Ice Pail and Silks metal basket appears on table, silks are produced
Marconick Card from Fez ribbon pulled from fez, wrong card then changes to selection
Hindu Shuffle Force
Marconick Chain Reaction production of chains from rolled up Kleenex paper, with box, repeated
Related to 8
Marconick The Vanish of a Vase of Flowers flower feather bouquet vanishes when held agains balloon, balloon bursts
Marconick Variation Chain Reaction production of chains from rolled up Kleenex paper, with box, repeated
Related toAlso published here 9
Marconick A Waterballet cups filled with water and stacked with coasters between, water vanishes
Also published here 9
Marconick How to Blow a Crease Into a Hat
Marconick Dog Production under large scarf
Marconick Knotted Twice silk produced in knot of rope, repeated
Also published here 10
Marconick The Floating Sombrero Zombie style
Marconick It Is Up the Sleeve chain produced from paper bag, repeated, releasing system for sleeve pockets
Marconick Silk Appearance on a Coat Hook two silks knotted on coathanger, third silk appears
Also published here 12
Marconick Two Silks Change Places silk placed inside bottle and covered with tube, different colored silk is blown thru second tube and transposes with silk inside bottle
Marconick Catch a Card on a Rope with one-handed knot, in bag
Marconick Close-Up With a Borrowed Handkerchief cut and restored borrowed handkerchief, two methods
Also published here 13
Marconick Transformation Chair-Suitcase chair can be folded into suitcase
Marconick Silk Production from a Card Fan
Also published here 14
Marconick Silk Production in Knot of rope
Marconick Silk Manipulation for Two Hands six lose silks end up knotted together
Also published here 15
Marconick Silk Return three silks on stand, middle one is removed vanishes and appears knotted between other silks
Marconick A Gambler's Dream multi-pip with the design of a dice, dice can be folded up to show various design
Marconick Coca Cola in Newspaper with glass in newspaper cone
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, December 2024.