dedication \n \n andy nyman
Andy Nyman
introduction. 9.5.99 \n \n andy nyman \n introduction \n andy nyman
Andy Nyman
Introduction. 9.5.99
Also published here
the good, the bad & the ugly \n triple prediction of name, card and chocolate, three different methods, no one ahead \n andy nyman \n the good, the bad, and the ugly \n andy nyman \n the good, the bad, and the ugly \n andy nyman
Andy Nyman
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly
Also published here
stop trick \n spectator stops dealing, envelope with prediction is put onto dealt pile with secret card underneath \n unknown \n stop trick \n unknown
Stop Trick
Also published here
charade \n blindfolded performer stops spectator while dealing through one half and vice versa, the cards match, then spectator selects a card and puts it in other half and performer finds it \n andy nyman \n charade \n andy nyman \n charade \n andy nyman
Andy Nyman
Also published here
mr. saturday night \n nine envelopes with "mr. right?" on them, one chosen (pateo), it describes the fiancé of the woman \n andy nyman \n mr. saturday night \n andy nyman
Andy Nyman
Mr. Saturday Night
Also published here
tips on previous routines \n \n unknown
Tips on Previous Routines
killer elite tips \n \n andy nyman \n "killer elite" (andy nyman, marketed, ca. 1998) \n bonus tips on killer elite \n andy nyman
Andy Nyman
Killer Elite Tips
Related to- "Killer Elite" (Andy Nyman, marketed, ca. 1998)
Also published here
witness for the prosecution - clean up \n \n andy nyman \n witness for the prosecution \n andy nyman
Andy Nyman
Witness For The Prosecution - clean up
Related to
con air \n with revelation of name \n andy nyman \n "out of the air" \n al baker \n con air \n andy nyman
Andy Nyman
Con Air
Inspired byAlso published here
billet switch \n \n unknown \n billet switch \n unknown
Billet Switch
Also published here
dead of night \n three cards in different positions remembered, they are spelled out with increasingly more stringent conditions \n andy nyman \n dead of night \n andy nyman
Andy Nyman
Dead Of Night
Also published here