introduction \n \n oscar weigle
Oscar Weigle
foreword \n \n paul curry
Paul Curry
i.o.u. \n dime is wrapped with paper and in a flash the paper vanishes, coin transforms to a penny, under the penny is a little circle of paper "iou 9 ct" \n paul curry \n i.o.u \n paul curry \n iou \n paul curry
Paul Curry
Also published here
think of a card \n spectator cuts thought-of card to face of stacked deck and then loses it \n paul curry \n think of a card \n paul curry
Paul Curry
Think of a Card
Also published here
next! \n the selected card is found next to a card with the message "your card will be next" \n paul curry \n next! \n paul curry \n next! \n paul curry
Paul Curry
Also published here
christ force \n \n henry christ
Henry Christ
Christ Force
follow me \n two decks, two cards match after henry christ cutting procedure \n paul curry \n follow me \n paul curry \n follow me \n paul curry
Paul Curry
Follow Me
Also published here
turn of the century location \n setting short double backer as key card, out-of-hand selection procedure \n paul curry \n turn of the century location \n paul curry \n the perfect card location \n henry christ \n turn of the century location \n paul curry \n the pasteboard mirror \n michael weber
Paul Curry
Turn of the Century Location
Related toVariationsAlso published here
force & vanish with henry christ force \n double facer \n paul curry \n force & vanish with henry christ force \n paul curry \n force & vanish with henry christ force \n paul curry
Paul Curry
Force & Vanish with Henry Christ Force
Also published here
smoke signals \n card and word written on billets, then burnt and divined \n paul curry \n smoke signals \n paul curry
Paul Curry
Smoke Signals
Also published here
potpourri \n card vanishes from deck and is found in card case \n paul curry \n nightmare effects (second effect) \n theodore annemann \n the dream \n charles t. jordan
Paul Curry
Inspired by
blackout \n deck is handed to two spectators in the dark who select cards, performer finds mates \n paul curry \n get it! \n theodore annemann
Paul Curry
Inspired by
double prediction \n card is selected turned over and behind spectator's back, pushed into the deck, both cards are predicted \n paul curry \n double prediction \n paul curry
Paul Curry
Double Prediction
Also published here
padding \n add-a-number coincidence \n paul curry \n padding \n paul curry
Paul Curry
Also published here
mates \n spectator shuffles deck and takes card from face-down ribbon spread and gives it to spectator, performer also takes a card from spread, they are mates \n paul curry
Paul Curry
switch under coat \n behind back \n paul curry
Paul Curry
Switch under Coat
pay-off \n bill folded and put in envelope, serial number is divined \n paul curry \n payoff \n paul curry
Paul Curry
Also published here
pressto \n blue backed card is selected, deck put on a red deck and pressed, selection is found in the middle of the red backed cards, second time spectator presses \n paul curry \n pressto \n paul curry
Paul Curry
Also published here
under-the-spread force \n with odd-backed card, bottom card \n unknown \n under-the-spread force \n johann nepomuk hofzinser
Under-the-Spread Force
Also published here
odd! \n card chosen and spectator draws design on its face, performer locates it behind his back and also the divines the design \n paul curry
Paul Curry
clink! \n coin picked up from bunch of coins which are pocketed again, it vanishes, when invisible coin is thrown against pocket a clink sound is heard \n paul curry
Paul Curry
face to face \n faced deck straightens out, repeat \n paul curry
Paul Curry
Face to Face
turnover half pass \n as deck is turned over \n paul curry \n turnover half pass \n sam leo horowitz \n the correction pass \n peter duffie
Paul Curry
Turnover Half Pass
Related toVariations
bottom palm \n \n paul curry \n bottom palm \n paul curry \n bottom palm, one-handed \n ernest earick
Paul Curry
Bottom Palm
Related toAlso published here
two card routine \n - effect no. 1: joker and ace of spades change places
- effect no. 2: joker on top, ace on the bottom vanish and are found together in the center
- effect no. 3: joker and ace pushed in the deck, travel to top and bottom
- effect no. 4: two numbers are called, counted and the cards found at those positions are joker and ace
- effect no. 5: joker and ace reverse in the deck
- effect no. 6: spectator reverses one card behind his back, it is the joker
- effect no. 7: two selections are put face up into the deck, next to them the joker and the ace are found
- effect no. 8: selections transform into joker and ace
- effect no. 9: two cards clipped by four paper clips are removed from the pocket, joker and ace \n paul curry \n two-card routine \n paul curry \n john scarne \n myles lyons \n theodore annemann
Paul Curry
Two Card Routine
Also published here
the turn-over change \n \n paul curry
Paul Curry
The Turn-Over Change