Written by Justin Higham
Work of Justin Higham, Various
54 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with photographs
Language: English
43 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page Categories
Jerry K. Hartman Devil Incardnate
Inspired byAlso published here 1 Sep. 1985 1
Jerry K. Hartman Double Key Placement two spectators, out of hands
Related to 1 Sep. 1985 1
Edward Marlo Switchless Switch
1 Sep. 1985 2
Justin Higham A Case for the Mystery Card without switch at the end
Inspired byVariations 1 Sep. 1985 3
Edward Marlo Push-Back Move as out-jogged cards are removed bottom card is pushed in
Also published here
  • Linking Ring
1 Sep. 1985 3
Paul Swinford One Card Up double cut for bottom to top, Erdnase break, swing cut to break, better description
Also published here 1 Sep. 1985 4
Justin Higham Interl(Ace)d King Transposition three selections between Aces, Kings in other hand, Aces and Kings transpose
Variations 1 Sep. 1985 5
Stephen Tucker Linkard stapled gaff to get into linking card routine
Inspired byRelated to 1 Sep. 1985 9
Justin Higham Higham's Hyperbole
1 Sep. 1985 9
Paul Swinford Two Color Transpo card on face of deck transposes with tabled odd-backed card
  • A La Erdnase (using a different color change)
2 Nov. 1985 11
Justin Higham One Good Turn Deserves Another Aces turn over one by one between two Jokers, Bizarre Twist as second phase
Inspired by 2 Nov. 1985 12
Stephen Tucker Red (?) Black (?) Aces duplicate Ace
  • Ending No. 1
  • Ending No. 2
2 Nov. 1985 14
Roy Walton Split Elmsley Count broken Elmsley Count, credit information
2 Nov. 1985 14
Justin Higham Linkard 2 getting into linking card routine
Inspired byRelated to 2 Nov. 1985 16
David Britland Kojack two selections and four Kings lost in deck, selections rise, Kings reproduced
Inspired by
  • "Decktectives" (Charles Hudson, Linking Ring)
2 Nov. 1985 16
David Britland Flipover Cut Production
Also published here 2 Nov. 1985 17
Justin Higham Aceven Aces on table, selection chosen and lost, Ace of matching suit found, other Aces put face up in deck, remaining Ace changes into selection and its mates are now face up in center of deck
2 Nov. 1985 18
Justin Higham Higham's Hyperbole
2 Nov. 1985 19
Jon Racherbaumer Full-Deck Smith-Myth Force two cards are selected with the "card at position of cut-off number"-procedure, performer forces same card on both
Inspired byRelated to 3 Jan. 1986 21
Justin Higham Streamlined Interl(Ace)d King Transposition three selections between Aces, Kings in other hand, Aces and Kings transpose
Inspired by 3 Jan. 1986 24
Justin Higham Buffalo'd Interl(Ace)d King Transposition three selections between Aces, Kings in other hand, Aces and Kings transpose
Inspired byRelated to 3 Jan. 1986 24
Jerry K. Hartman Observation Power
Also published here 3 Jan. 1986 25
Justin Higham Jacks Be Quick card on top of sandwich cards, trio pushed through deck (plunger), card now sandwiched
Inspired byRelated to 3 Jan. 1986 27
Justin Higham Higham's Hyperbole credit information on Vernon Card Puzzle
Related to 3 Jan. 1986 30
Edward Marlo Another Interlaced Transposition three selections placed between Kings travel to between Aces, two methods
Inspired byRelated to 4 Mar. 1986 31
Edward Marlo Simplified Olram Spread seven cards are spread into a fan of three doubles and a single
Inspired by 4 Mar. 1986 32
Jerry K. Hartman Titraposition three Twos placed between Kings travel to between Aces
Also published here 4 Mar. 1986 34
Justin Higham Inter-Transpo
4 Mar. 1986 35
Justin Higham Interlaced Interlude three selections placed between Aces, they travel to between Kings, then only selections remain and three of the Kings are between the Aces, fourth King in deck
Related toVariations 4 Mar. 1986 36
Justin Higham Highams's Hyperbole
4 Mar. 1986 38
Philip T. Goldstein Quintest packet of five ESP cards (or other cards), spectator cuts packet, then follows instructions and ends up with force card
5 May 1986 39
Justin Higham One-at-a-Time Aces four indifferent cards dealt on table, replaced on deck and dealt again, now one is an Ace, repeated three more times until all are Aces, three methods
Variations 5 May 1986 40
Edward Marlo Another Interlaced Transposition
  • Third Method - A Discard
Related to 5 May 1986 42
Justin Higham Trump Triumph without false shuffle
Inspired by 5 May 1986 43
Paul Swinford The Deo-Ace Trick Revisited four Aces are placed on four Twos on table so that suits match, Ace with same suit as selection transforms into selection
Inspired byVariations 5 May 1986 44
Justin Higham Higham's Hyperbole
5 May 1986 45
Justin Higham One-at-a-Time Aces Plus Climax adding a transformation climax
Inspired by 5 May 1986 46
Jerry K. Hartman Foretell-a-Vision three Royal Flushs removed for two spectators and performer, spectators do as many down-under deals as they like, last card each are shown, they are reversed in performer's packet
Also published here 6 July 1986 47
Justin Higham The Finger Print Card Trick Revisited
Inspired by
  • "The Finger Print Card Trick" (Paul Swinford, The Linking Ring, Vol. 54 No. 10)
  • "The Thumb Print Card Trick" (Ed Marlo, The Linking Ring, Vol. 55 No. 2)
6 July 1986 49
Justin Higham Two F(Ace)d Twist with Ace through Four, transformation kicker to Aces, one Ace travels to deck, two methods
6 July 1986 50
Jerry K. Hartman Diamond Bar - Recut
Inspired byAlso published here 6 July 1986 52
Justin Higham Second Advent sandwiched card transposes with tabled card, only four cards used
Inspired by 6 July 1986 53
Justin Higham Higham's Hyperbole
6 July 1986 54
Data entered by Denis Behr, March 2021.