to my friends, magicians, and would be magicians all the world over \n \n sidney lawrence
1954 ca.
Sidney Lawrence
To My Friends, Magicians, and Would Be Magicians All The World Over
that's it \n spectator remembers a card and its position, performer cuts deck, then spectator removes number of cards corresponding to the number, performer runs through the cards and stops at selection \n sidney lawrence
1954 ca.
Sidney Lawrence
That's It
memory effect \n "old but still good.", removed card is named, clocking, verbal restriction to a number card \n sidney lawrence
1954 ca.
Sidney Lawrence
Memory Effect
miracle prediction \n ace through ten in a row, spectator moves cards one by one from one end to the other with performer out of the room, performer turns over card that indicates how many cards were moved, even when cards have been covered with newspaper \n sidney lawrence
1954 ca.
Sidney Lawrence
Miracle Prediction
controlled thoughts \n two spectators cut off a packet and count it, packets placed together and counted and the spectators remember the cards at their numbers one by one, the cards are the same
- second version to controlled thoughts (improved counting procedure, on next page) \n sidney lawrence \n two minds - a single thought \n sidney lawrence \n blue dice \n marvin johnson \n twin swans \n docc hilford \n a multiple effect \n edward marlo \n the 50% miracle \n edward marlo \n way ahead prediction \n edward marlo \n full-deck smith-myth force \n jon racherbaumer \n adamsmyth \n thomas alan waters \n the smith myth \n fred w. smith \n hen fetsch
1954 ca.
Sidney Lawrence
Controlled Thoughts
Related toVariationsAlso published here
do as i do \n (called "do as i do - with a difference" in later editions)
deck cut in two halves, two cards exchanged and reversed behind backs, they are mated, addition from back trouser pocket \n sidney lawrence
1954 ca.
Sidney Lawrence
Do As I Do
the exact number prediction \n two phases of the verbal "trick that fooled einstein" deception \n sidney lawrence
1954 ca.
Sidney Lawrence
The Exact Number Prediction
dial for your card \n card at position remembered, performer then cuts, spectator moved cards to bottom corresponding to position, then the spectator counts off a previously given name and telephone number to arrive at his selection \n sidney lawrence \n before your very eyes \n sidney lawrence
1954 ca.
Sidney Lawrence
Dial For Your Card
Related to
the eye opener \n two spectators have half the deck, they count off any number of cards and then deal those into two piles, the four aces are at the top of the arrived-at piles \n sidney lawrence \n the mathemagician \n bill simon
1954 ca.
Sidney Lawrence
The Eye Opener
Related to
it's in your pocket \n number of card is removed and pocketed, same number removed again, top card of rest remembered, one packet put on top, performer reverse-counts a given number of cards, pocketed cards placed on top, card found \n sidney lawrence \n gamma location \n sidney lawrence
1954 ca.
Sidney Lawrence
It's In Your Pocket
Also published here
the unknown number \n some cards removed from top and from bottom, then top card remembered and deck cut, performer takes cards and cuts, removed packets are replaced and card found \n sidney lawrence
1954 ca.
Sidney Lawrence
The Unknown Number
miracle book prediction \n digits of date on coin are added up, value of card at that position is added and that total is remembered, sentence on that page number divined \n sidney lawrence
1954 ca.
Sidney Lawrence
Miracle Book Prediction
before your very eyes \n number of cards removed by spectator, then card at same position remembered, later removed cards are replaced and card found \n sidney lawrence
1954 ca.
Sidney Lawrence
Before Your Very Eyes