Written by Harry Lorayne
Work of Harry Lorayne
69 pages (Paperback), published by Harry Lorayne, Inc.
Illustrated with photographs
Language: English
18 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Harry Lorayne Foreword
Harry Lorayne The oLaH Cut - Angle Spread three selections produced with three cuts, or performer removes any card from tabled spread and cuts rest into three packets with matching cards
Harry Lorayne The oLaH Cut normal slip cut with deck held vertically
Harry Lorayne Angle Spread tabled spread with step
Harry Lorayne Great Mate Locate performer shows card and tables it, then pushed out a card from spread, it is the same card and tabled card is now mate
Harry Lorayne Try This!
  • Reverse Faro
four packets made via anti-faros, four Aces found
Related to 11
Harry Lorayne Not Out But In-Sight ungaffed
Inspired by
  • "Out of Sight" (Joshua Jay)
Also published here
Harry Lorayne Setting Cards "Impromptuly" while looking for a chosen card
Harry Lorayne Suitable Explored Jacks placed on top of four indifferent cards and squeezed, instantly dealt off in Ace-Jack pairs
Inspired by 23
Harry Lorayne The Secret of Five four five-card packets made, spectator choses one, selection found with Reverse Faro Ending
Harry Lorayne Magician's Choice one of four
Harry Lorayne Royal Location, Plus Royal Flush used to find selection, four-of-a-kind kicker
Inspired by 37
Harry Lorayne Inside Pocket Load card's travel is demonstrated with indifferent card (double) first, selection left on shoulder
Related to 42
Harry Lorayne Really Impossible - Really Impromptu Set Up from shuffled deck, done with about half the deck (in red/black alternating order)
Inspired by 45
Harry Lorayne Really Impossible TOAC "Turn Over And Cut", four-of-a-kind ends up reversed after CATO/TOAC procedure
Inspired by 51
Harry Lorayne The Spread Control cards dropped on tabled spread which is gathered
Harry Lorayne Utility Mixer Additions with variations, for small packets, Charlier Shuffle type action
Inspired by 58
Harry Lorayne Last Word
Data entered by Denis Behr, November 2020.