Written by Steve Beam
Work of Steve Beam
248 pages (Hardcover), published by Trapdoor Productions
Illustrated with drawings by Steve Beam
Language: English
131 entries
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Steve Beam Introduction
Steve Beam How to Read This Book
Tomas Blomberg Freakish Miracle #1 two decks with names of playing cards on the backs, shuffled and one dealt face up and one face down, card matches with writing on the back of other card and they also match when both cards are turned over
Inspired by
  • Tom Bowyer's "The Frequent Miracle" in "The Sphinx" Vol. 39, Nr. 3. P. 67. 1940
Tomas Blomberg The Freakish Miracle #2 two shuffled decks are dealt face up, when two cards match, card is turned over and number of dealt pairs until match occurred is written on it
Tomas Blomberg Freakish Miracle #3 three decks, two are shuffled and dealt face up and cards counted until same cards appear, same card is also found in third deck at the same position
Related to 17
Tomas Blomberg Freakish Miracle #4 three decks, cards have names of other cards written on the back, similar structure to Freakish Miracle # 1 & #3
Steve Beam Taking the Bait rules card is placed inside deck and then cards placed on the table in pairs, card next to rule card is predicted
Steve Beam Leslie's Gift cards with other cards written on their backs, face-up prediction removed, card selected with face-up counting procedure, the marks on the back of prediction matches face of selection and vice versa, marks vanish on rest of deck as climax
Inspired byVariations 24
Steve Duperré Under the Influence three cards from other deck used to predict selection, all Jacks
Inspired by 28
Steve Beam Reasons to Contribute to the Semi-Automatic Card Tricks Series humorous article
Steve Beam The Magic of Ramón Riobóo chapter intro
Ramón Riobóo Dropping Names cards are shuffled face up into face down, half the deck is eliminated and name of spectator is spelled with face-up and face-down cards, cards at position they match two predictions
Ramón Riobóo The 52 Card Trick approach for the 21 card trick, using complete deck
Ramón Riobóo Stock Pile approach for the 21 card trick, using more cards, similar to The 52 Card Trick
Ramón Riobóo Driving A Hummer cut and turnover to apparently mix cards, deck stays in the same order
  • Flash Forward (production of a Royal Flush)
Ramón Riobóo Mutually Assured Destruction packet of cards is mixed face-up and face-down, spectator hands some cards out from this packet and both piles have same amount of face up cards, using Driving A Hummer
Ramón Riobóo Libido two years are added and sum used to make four piles, four Queens are found
Variations 41
Al Smith, Father Cyprian The Flip Flop Change without credit
Ramón Riobóo Way Ahead two selections
Ramón Riobóo Signed Deal small packet spelling discovery
Inspired by
  • Jack Yates' "Miracle Mix-up"
Related to
Ramón Riobóo Mystery of the Kabbala thought of card, spectator has to do some spelling and eventually card is divined
Related toAlso published here
  • Ramón Riobóo's "The Mystery of the Kabbala" in Rafael Benatar's "Sleight of Phone"
Steve Beam Little Known Facts about the Semi-Automatic Card Trick Series humorous article
Scott Robinson The 101% Location two Queens face-up on the deck, one sinks through deck and eventually selection is caught between Queens
Inspired by 53
Reinhard Müller Three Card Catch
Marty Kane Key Points in Mind Reading humorous routine, spectator apparently reads mind of performer
Steve Beam Face Off all cards but selection become blank, then deck is normal again
Steve Beam Reverse Blank Fan
Andi Gladwin Pick of the Bunch cards spread face-down , performer selects three cards which are mates to selections of spectators
Scott Robinson Slip Pop Production card appears face-up on the deck, after dribble
Pit Hartling Chaos two exchanged cards are found after haphazard dealing, red-black anti-faro method
Also published here 63
Steve Beam Things to Pass the Time While a Magician performs a Down and Under Deal humorous article
Steve Beam Down Under Deals chapter intro
Lewis Jones Discounted Deal card is formed by using down under deals / Matsuyama Principle, it's the card missing in the deck
Max Maven Hypothetical Imperative card prediction in envelope, card formed by counting amount of cut off cards and Matsuyama Petal Principle
Max Maven Box of Matches six torn cards match when words are spelled, words from card case used
Inspired by 74
Mitsunobu Matsuyama Complete Match two piles of five ESP cards and different coins, spectator takes some coins and amount is counted, Ramasee Principle
Also published here
  • "The Magic #42" 1999
Max Maven Cheaper Match two piles of cards are counted depending on coins being heads or tails, Ramasee Principle
Mitsunobu Matsuyama Cheapest Match two piles of cards are counted depending on coins being heads or tails, variation of Maven idea
Max Maven Deal With It small packet is cut and dealt, and after down-under deal, performer has four Aces
Steve Beam Marty Kane's Self Help Guide - Introduction intro about the 16th card principle
Related to 80
Marty Kane Color Suit and Value two selection are found by spelling and down-under deals
Marty Kane Triple Lie Detector two selection are found by spelling and down-under deals, spectators can lie while spelling
Marty Kane Alternative Names spectator locates his own card in a pile, spelling and down-under deal
Marty Kane Police Profiling four spectators locate their chosen court card in a pile, spelling and down-under deal
Marty Kane Short Versions (4-8 Cards in Key Pile
Marty Kane Deck Brand spectators chose a deck from a different brand, shuffle spell brand and after procedure find their selected cards, spelling and down-under deal
Marty Kane Yes Or No? spectators chose a card and then have to answer questions by spelling, after down-under deal they locate their cards
Marty Kane Diamonds several spectators select a Diamond card and after spelling and down-under deals they find their selections again
Marty Kane Good-Bye spelling of words and down-under deal to find selections
Marty Kane Showing the 7 Dwarfs spelling and down-under deal, finding selections with Snow White theme
Inspired byVariations 86
Doug Canning Snow White and the Short Seven spelling and down-under deal, finding selections with Snow White theme
Inspired by 87
Marty Kane Password spelling and down-under deal, password theme
  • Dow Show
  • Sniper
  • The Web
  • Snail Mail
Inspired by 88
Marty Kane Suit Per Suit Pursuit spelling and down-under deal, pile with different suit as kicker
Related to 90
Steve Beam Double Breasted Suit Kane's Suit Per Suit Pursuit with two spectators
Steve Beam Optional Spectator False Shuffle group shuffle and faro to end up in red/black alternated deck
Marty Kane Mix Master spelling and down-under deal, theme is mixing cards
Marty Kane The King of Swing spelling and down-under deal
Inspired byRelated to 93
Marty Kane What's in a Name? spelling names and down-under deal, four spectators find Aces
Variations 94
Steve Beam Nameless spelling names and down-under deal, four spectators find Aces
Inspired by 95
Ramón Riobóo The Ramónator down under deal to force a cards value
Inspired byVariations 97
Steve Beam Value-Added Ramónator down under deal to force a cards value, last card matches value
Inspired byVariations 100
Steve Beam Sleepwalker
Inspired byRelated to 101
Steve Beam His Card different method for Sleepwalker
Scott Robinson The Perfect Shuffle fake down-under deal, packet stays in same order
Variations 103
Steve Beam Kangaroo Killer placing a bill inside some cards, down under deal with three people and performer ends up with bill
Inspired by 105
Steve Beam Perks of Being a Professional Magician humorous article
Lewis Jones Birthday Squared easy magic square which includes exact birthday of a person, with variations
Inspired by 111
Steve Beam Use of Leftover Proofreading Money humorous article
Steve Beam Full Boats and Empty Nets two hands of five cards are used and even though spectator shuffled, performer has the mates of spectator's cards
Tomas Blomberg Swedish Parity Poker instructions for a game with five players, performer wins, prediction of total of values in performer's hand
Claude Impériale White Christmas Tantalizer, all other cards are blank
  • Christmas Cards
Steve Beam The Spoiler selection in the deck, several hands dealt, selection will complete good hand
Inspired byRelated to 127
Steve Beam Take this Card and Shove It selection in the deck, several hands dealt, selection will complete good hand, with smaller set-up
Tony Griffith Poker Demonstration
Also published here
  • "A Demonstration on How to Win at Poker"in Tony Griffith's "Griff on Cards" 1964.
Marc Serin Poor Man's Poker cut-off pile is dealt into several hands, top card of each pile form a Royal Flush
Marc Serin The French Fryer triumph with four Aces reversed in the center as kicker
Marc Serin Reverse secret turnover of faced-deck in process of Triumph routine
David Solomon Ultra-Find interlocking chain principle with three riffle shuffles
Inspired by 141
Ken Krenzel The Assistant whispering Queen presentation, naming selection and position
Cut Deeper Force
Spectator's Ose False Cut spectator executes Ose's Triple false cut
Related to 143
Steve Beam Double Down Location using a double lift while instructing spectator
Steve Beam Bottomless Location
Doug Canning Banned in Vegas finding two selections, counting and stacking theme
Alex Gutierrez Double Cross twelve cards, thought of card is located after several anti-faros
Steve Beam Ice Fishing
Steve Beam Greased Shortening one of five
Inspired byAlso published here 152
Steve Beam The Acquisition Shuffle setting some cards to specific positions
Steve Beam The Reverse Faro chapter intro
Claude Impériale The Tarantulizer third position and packet dealing
Inspired byVariations 158
Claude Impériale Grab It Before They Do remaining card is not the selection, it is in the wallet instead, bet theme
Inspired by 159
Larry Jennings Open Control brief
Steve Beam The Flasher spectator apparently sees card dealt into wrong pile near the end, sucker
Inspired by 160
Giorgio Tarchini Back From Fishing
Inspired by 161
Steve Beam Si Kick cut pile behind back, then performer asks question about thought selection and always removes cards which do not match, red or black etc.
Variations 163
Pit Hartling The Core named card remains after reverse-faro procedure until single card remains
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 166
Doug Canning Core Relation way to calculate second to last card when performing The Core
Inspired by 169
Doug Canning Encore The Core with two selections
Inspired byRelated to 169
Steve Beam Simple Logic using only red cards, two-phase prediction effect
  • The Sifter
Steve Beam Important Dates in the History of Card Magic Part II (Some dates appoximate) humorous article
Herb Zarrow Insight a trick Zarrow invented for a blind magician, magician matches shuffled red / black order of a pile
Kostya Kimlat House Party Collectors as Kostya Kimlet, Collectors combined with Triumph, story presentation
Tenkai Ishida Optical Reverse
Gordon Bean Spot On two spectators have a pile of six cards and a die, they remember card at position determined with the dice and all twelve cards are then shuffled, after dealing two piles, performer is able to turn the dice to that number matching positions in the piles
Robert Lusthaus The Lusthaus Card System easy memorized stack, almost NDO
Michael Weber Racked and Stacked two phases, pile is cut and bottom card remembered, then pile is shuffled and dealt into several hands, card is divined
Dean Dill Dillicious Dribble cards are dribbled face up and spectator remembers a card, performer names number where card is before spectator announces selection
Doug Canning The Pat Hand spectator choses five cards from a deck with numbers on the back, prediction of total and of cards
Marty Kane Sevendipity four spectators get a part of a suit each and spell numbers several times, all end up with a Seven
Inspired by 191
Robert Lusthaus Miss Match spectator selects location from small packet and then mate by spelling a random card, principle of nine and Miracle Mix-Up / Remote Control
Inspired by
  • Jack Yate's "Miracle Mix-up" in "Abbott's Anthology of Card Magic Vol. 3"
Shannon Clark Well-Oiled Pack 3&3 multi-phase routine with separating deck climax
Andi Gladwin Easy Followers with optional Royal Flush ending
Ryan Matney Primal Scheme one of five cards appears sandwiched between Jacks
George Sands Prime Number Principle
Scott Robinson The Money Changers Kings transposes with four indifferent cards, wrapped in bill
Inspired by 200
Doug Canning Juvenile Justice packet of double faced cards, two spectators select faces on same card, pictures drawn by a child
Steve Beam Wireless Networking two named numbers are used to locate two selections
Inspired by 209
Steve Beam, Doug Canning Grat Minds Think Alike three thought of cards lead to selection
Steve Beam Tips on Performing Magic humorous article
Steve Beam Telephone Tricks chapter intro
Steve Beam Sans Cards binary code using objects to transmit card to medium
Steve Beam, Mick Ayres, Doug Canning, Rajneesh Madhok When Proofreaders Run Amuck humorous article
Steve Beam Tools, Moves, and Concepts chapter intro
William Goodwin Taken Bi Force variation of Max Holden's Cross Cut Force to force two selections, using dribble
Related to
  • J. K. Hartman's "Double Cross Cut Force" in "Trickery Treats" 1999. P. 152.
Also published here
Steve Beam The Fertilizer Spreader forcing a card from a spread, reverse spread
  • Triple Strength Fertilizer Spreader
  • Surplus Fertilizer
Ronald J. Dayton IMP - Improved Memorized Pack memorized deck, method to easy calculate the positions
Doug Canning Fisherman's Dream increasing bank of card to fish from by using two selections
Steve Beam The Ark Maneuver card is reversed in center and cards dealt in pairs from top to bottom, cards after reversed card can be divined
Inspired byRelated to 233
Doug Canning The Carousel Glimpse cut-deeper force handling to glimpse two selections
Variations 236
Steve Beam "Thanksgiven"
Steve Beam Routine Builder
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, March 2020.