With additional introductions from the 1997 reprint by L&L Publishing.
Written by Karl Fulves
Work of Various
395 pages (Hardcover), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Joseph K. Schmidt
Language: English
300 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page AA Categories
Karl Fulves Dealdown four perfect blackjacks produced
Related to 31 1988 1370
Karl Fulves Speedo spectator choses a player by removing a small number of cards, this player gets the four Aces
31 1988 1371
Roy Walton Remember
  • "Riffle Aces"
one spectator with two cards
31 1988 1372
Roy Walton Thrice Removed
  • "Riffle Aces"
three selections, also as Ace production
31 1988 1373
Roy Walton Because It Was There
  • "Riffle Aces"
Related to 31 1988 1373
Karl Fulves Noops! two spoons, one bent, condition reverses and other spoon is bent now
31 1988 1374
Dave Ossip Airborn Aces Aces cut in deck one at a time, then reproduced in flashy way
Related to 32 1988 1375
Herb Zarrow Linking Bands
32 1988 1377
Bill Wisch Bill's Monte rubber band around finger, spectator must trap it by grabbing correct finger
Inspired by
  • Fred Furman (Encyclopedia of Impromptu Magic, p. 510, The Magic Book, p. 45)
32 1988 1378
Stewart James 3 Little Words
  • Two Pile Lie Speller: The Roots
  • Two Pile Lie Speller: The Trick
Related to 32 1988 1379
Karl Fulves Over Easy without shuffle, with four Royal Flushes
32 1988 1381
Gene Maze Tri Double removing apparently two cards from deck, one is a double, also splitting three cards into a double and a single, brief transposition application
Related to 32 1988 1384
Steve Roth Link Illusion
  • Bluff Off
  • Drop Link
  • Swindle On
  • Up and Off
  • Notes and Credits
33 1988 1385
Dai Vernon Two Tricks four coins dropped in handkerchief vanish, Brian MacCarthy hank fold
33 1988 1389
Dai Vernon Another Vernon Coin Trick four coins covered with handkerchief, they vanish and are reproduced one at a time
33 1988 1391
Jack Chanin Jack Chanin's Favorite coin production with handkerchief
Also published here
  • "Handle With Gloves" (1941)
33 1988 1393
Karl Fulves, Charles R. Brush Curiosities two cannon balls materialize in fish tank
Also published here
  • "Baffles Appearing Cannon Ball" (The Sphinx, May 1925)
33 1988 1394
John E. Mintz Cigarette Go
34 1988 1395
Sid Lorraine An American Expression "Two Tricks"
blank card with credit card print
34 1988 1398
Sid Lorraine Prince Charming "Two Tricks"
Jack of Hearts and Queen of Diamonds, Jack turns over, Queen is blushing, Jack is now blank card with frog folded from dollar bill
Inspired by 34 1988 1399
Frank Cleaver Block Off block with hole slid in box, fixed with wand, it slides free
Related to 34 1988 1400
Karl Fulves Rope Work knot effects, with betting game
  • Overtime Ending
34 1988 1401
Karl Fulves Cloverleaf Bet "On the Barrelhead", three loops formed from rope
34 1988 1402
Karl Fulves Psykick
Inspired byVariations 34 1988 1404
Jack Miller King Koin king engraved on English penny is shaved
Variations 35 1988 1405
Michael Carrion Coin Bound coin transformation under card, in-the-hands
35 1988 1406
Karl Fulves R5B5 five black and five red cards, card selected from each, they end up being in the opposite packet
35 1988 1407
Rick Johnsson Nailed twisted nail puzzle, two bent nails linked, one-handed linking, apparently linked and unlinked when shaken in jar
Also published here
  • "Nailed" (Rick Johnsson, MUM, Feb. 1981)
35 1988 1408
Sam Leo Horowitz The Horowitz Variation named picture card and four spot cards removed, picture card vanishes, using strip of card
35 1988 1410
Jack Birnman The Triangle aces change to kings, aces now face-up in deck
35 1988 1411
Karl Fulves Connect the Dots card layout on table, number cards are used to designate some of those cards, they're connected and the resulting line forms a letter that the spectator chose from a deck of alphabet cards
35 1988 1412
Karl Fulves Tri Thot
35 1988 1413
Bill Wisch Secret Knot knot secretly tied when rope is given from one hand to the other
35 1988 1414
Jack Avis Court Spell named court card spelled from packet of picture cards
Also published here 36 1988 1415
Father Cyprian Reflection originally titled "Through the Looking Glass"
mirror-backed Queen inserted in deck, reflection of the card next to it noted, it vanishes, the Queen is now in wallet and the mirror-card is the selection
Related to 36 1988 1417
John E. Mintz L'Homlet foot put on chair, egg placed on knee and covered with handkerchief is crushed and vanishes, reproduced from bottom of trouser
Inspired by
  • "Omlet on the Trousers" (L'Homme Masque, see Okito on Magic, 1952, p. 27)
Also published here
36 1988 1419
Karl Fulves Chronologue final issue
36 1988 1424
Jeff Busby Dice Thru Table four at once, with cup
Close-up Folio No. 11 1978 1
Karl Fulves Automatic Stack routine with cup and small tube
Close-up Folio No. 11 1978 4
Bill Scott Die Penetro "Three Dice Tricks"
die penetrates cup visible
Related toAlso published here
  • "Die Penetro" (Fifty Years Later, Scottish Conjurers Association)
Close-up Folio No. 11 1978 6
Bill Scott Sound Penetration "Three Dice Tricks"
three dice under cup, fourth penetrates inside audibly
Close-up Folio No. 11 1978 9
Bill Scott Somersault "Three Dice Tricks"
four dice in dice cup, thrown into air, dice change into one large die
Close-up Folio No. 11 1978 10
Henry Christ Tele-Dice dice trick over telephone
Close-up Folio No. 11 1978 11
Karl Fulves Notes dice stacking with other objects and other ideas
Close-up Folio No. 11 1978 12
Karl Fulves Intro
Close-up Folio No. 12 1979 1
Herb Zarrow Pendulum Knot knot shaken into rope with one hand
Close-up Folio No. 12 1979 1
Tony Slydini New Rope Methods
  • The Gypsy Ring (finger ring tied onto knot with three knots vanishes and reappears)
  • Part One
  • The Gypsy Ring Method
  • The Elusive Knot
  • Exploiting the Switch
  • A Reference Note
Slydin Rope Switch, seated
Variations Close-up Folio No. 12 1979 5
Tony Slydini One-Hand Knot
Close-up Folio No. 12 1979 13
Karl Fulves Borrowed Ring/Examined Rope (extra sheet)
Inspired by 1979 1
Karl Fulves Contest Rope (extra sheet)
two ropes tied together on both ends, contest with spectator who unties quicker, performer's knot vanishes, making one rope
Inspired by 1979 2
Data entered by Denis Behr, June 2017.