177 pages (Hardcover), published by Kaufman and Company
Illustrated with drawings by Joachim Mezger
Language: English
54 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page AA Categories
Thomas Fraps The Tweezers three-coin production using tweezers, tweezers change into last coin
Also published here 17
Flip Hallema Flip-Stick Move used as a transformation in this context
Rainer Pfeiffer Snap-Shot linking rubberbands in the spectator's hands
Variations 20
Rainer Pfeiffer Change two coins pentrate a purse multiple times, climax: coins change places in the spectator's hand
David Williamson Striking Vanish
Jörg Willich Gummi-Bear Penetration gummi-bear penetrates wine glass
Thomas Fraps Scrooge McDuck coin pentretrates the cellophane of a pack of cigarettes twice
Also published here 30
J. B. Bobo Pinch Vanish
Pit Hartling Painting The Town Red performer predicts name of a town chosen from the map's toc.
Rainer Pfeiffer, Helge Thun, Manuel Muerte The Fruit Cups two-cup routine with two different colored balls
Dai Vernon, Silent Mora Wand Spin
Jay Sankey Two Way Toss
David Williamson Drummer's Move
David Williamson Striking Vanish
Thomas Fraps, Helge Thun Instant Camera Card deck is used as an instant camera card, blank card (picture) turns into selected card
Related toAlso published here 48
Thomas Fraps Miller Change Variation inside cellophane of case
Inspired byAlso published here 50
Pit Hartling The Party Animal selected card turns face-up while the deck is in the case, twice, climax: half the deck turns face up.
Inspired by 52
Helge Thun Providence '93 signed card changes a couple of time into another card (and back). Climax: Card appears folded under performer's watch.
Dai Vernon Double Push-Off
Steve Bedwell Card under Watch Load folded
Helge Thun Bombshell card travels inside a matchbox
Also published here 62
Andreas Affeldt, Helge Thun Loading method for Bombshell (Matchbox) under cover of the jacket
Helge Thun Loading method for Bombshell (Matchbox) impromptu
Helge Thun Loading method for Bombshell (Matchbox) impromptu, divided into several steps
Manuel Muerte It's Shoe Time Selected card and a wine-glass appear inside performer's shoe
Jean Hugard One Hand Top Palm
Helge Thun Double-Bind signed card appears folded in quarters in a box, folded card is wrapped in a rubber band
Pit Hartling Chameleon joker changes into three selected cards and back, double faced divided gaff
T. Nelson Downs Downs Change
S. W. Erdnase Transformations, Two Hands, First Method
Pit Hartling Cupid all cards match, short long gaffed deck
Also published here 84
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Hofzinser Cull brief
Thomas Fraps, Helge Thun If Worse Comes To Worse performer finds two selected and one thought-of card, one way from face (pips)
Variations 88
Jörg Alexander Weber The Sympathetic Ten card piles in glasses
Also published here 92
Jörg Alexander Weber Resealing a Card Case
, George G. Kaplan The 'Stop' Fan Discovery brief
Related to 95
Karl Germain The Flash Card Change in glass with handkerchief cover
Jörg Willich Hammer Their Socks Off free-handed production of a hammer
Flip Hallema Flip-Stick Move adaption of the move, reverse-actions (used as an appearance)
Pit Hartling The ...-Idea knive removed from keychain, changes color, jumps back onto keychain
Helge Thun The Flip-Flap Flourish top card swirls through fingers and back onto the deck
Helge Thun Action Fan Palm card is palmed while closing the fan
Also published here 108
Nicolai Friedrich Bold And Nut nut vanishes and reappears on the bolt, using rope
Earl Nelson, Emile Clifton Clifton's Ring Move
Rainer Pfeiffer Mismade-Warp climax for card-warp, covering bill also turns inside out
Pit Hartling Chaos Cut false running-cut with slip cut
Inspired byRelated toVariations 115
Pit Hartling Out-Of-Order Shuffle false shuffle and running cut to table
Related to 116
Stephan Kirschbaum Thumb-Tips techniques for hiding the thumb tip
Related to 118
Stephan Kirschbaum A Rose Is A Rose Is A Rose ... production of a rose from a purse-frame
Thomas Fraps Insider (sloppy) technique for injogging a selected card
Thomas Fraps Dribbled technique for dribbling a deck while maintaining an jog
Jörg Alexander Weber Sticking To The Gypsy Thread convincer
Also published here 125
Peter Gunn Stretching 'Stretched' rubber band is wrapped around deck, card inserted into the middle, jumps to the top, climax: card visually melts through rubber band
Inspired by 126
Jörg Willich The Ice-Cube Effect Ice-cubes in a drink have the same shape as the selected card
Data entered by Fabian Polkehn, September 2004.