Display the following magic books:

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Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
The Magic of Doug Conn Paul Cummins Doug Conn 195 1999
Paul Cummins Paul Cummins 130 2002

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Appraisals of Works on Sleight-of-Hand, Mind-Reading, Pse... Paul Fleming Paul Fleming 130 1944
Appraisals of Works on Sleight-of-Hand, Mind-Reading, Pse... Paul Fleming Paul Fleming 130 1946
George G. Kaplan George G. Kaplan 341 1948

Keeping The Center
Over four dozen miracles of mind reading!
28 pages, 1990

Unexpected Agenda
384 pages, 2024

Issues 1-21
615 pages, 2019-2022

Alan Shaxon — The Sophisticated Sorcerer
The Life and Magic of an International Magician
208 pages, 2014

Entertaining ESP
A Book of Tricks with the Royal Magic ESP Deck
22 pages, 1999