Display the following magic books:

…starts with the letter…

The Monster of the Secret Art
Selected works of Mott-sun
310 pages, 2021

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Curtis Kam Curtis Kam 54 1982
Including "Coins: HowToWhatToWhenToWhyTo" and "Words: Scr... Curtis Kam Curtis Kam 49 2004
Curtis Kam Curtis Kam 30 2006
Curtis Kam Curtis Kam 14 2006
Nearly Impossible Miracles Curtis Kam Curtis Kam 36 2007
Curtis Kam Curtis Kam 29 2008
coin gaffs and common cents Curtis Kam Curtis Kam 83 2008
All the Secrets Unexplained Curtis Kam Curtis Kam 28 2015

Miracle Material
The Close-Up Magic of Michael Kaminskas
103 pages, 1996

The Fine Art of Magic
341 pages, 1948

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Fred Kaps, Owen Griffiths Fred Kaps 26 1986
Fred Kaps, Anthony Brahams Fred Kaps, Anthony Brahams 18 1994
Edward Victor's 11 Card Trick done with Dollar Bills Fred Kaps, Anthony Brahams Fred Kaps 24 1994

Karr et Cartes
Une Conference Sur Annemann et Erdnase
12 pages, 2023

Das Si-Stebbins-Spielkartensystem
Tricktechniken für Kartenkunst mit dem Si-Stebbins-Leges...
9 pages, 2020

Larry Jennings's Card Technique
194 pages, 1993

La Campanella
Etudes and Sonatas with Playing Cards
158 pages, 2022

64 pages, 2020

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Richard Kaufman Richard Kaufman 29 1977
Lessons in Side-Arm Snookery Richard Kaufman Richard Kaufman 58 1977
Richard Kaufman Richard Kaufman, Ken Krenzel 20 1978
Richard Kaufman Various 183 1979
Richard Kaufman Gene Maze 93 1980
Richard Kaufman Various 164 1981
Richard Kaufman Various 266 1981
Lecture Notes Richard Kaufman Geoffrey Latta 19 1981
Richard Kaufman Derek Dingle 219 1982
Richard Kaufman Various 96 1982
Automatic-Entry Roll-Over "Bill-in-Cigarette" Richard Kaufman Tom Mullica 16 1982
Richard Kaufman Various 134 1983
Richard Kaufman Richard Kaufman 23 1984
Richard Kaufman David Roth 370 1985
or The Jolly Jumping Jokers Daryl Martinez, Richard Kaufman, Mike Maxwell, Lainee Schroeder Daryl Martinez 12 1985
Richard Kaufman Jay Sankey 122 1986
Richard Kaufman Ron Wilson 160 1987
Richard Kaufman, Philip T. Goldstein Various 124 1988
Richard Kaufman Hiroshi Sawa 180 1988
Richard Kaufman Brother John Hamman 252 1989
Richard Kaufman David Williamson 96 1989
Richard Kaufman Jay Sankey 86 1990
Richard Kaufman Shigeo Takagi 120 1990
Richard Kaufman Gary Kurtz 102 1990
Richard Kaufman Various 104 1992
Richard Kaufman Tom Mullica 220 1992
1982-1987 Richard Kaufman Various 490 1992
Richard Kaufman Steve Draun 151 1993
Lessons 92 to 103 Richard Kaufman, Harlan Tarbell Various 434 1993
Richard Kaufman, John Northern Hilliard Various 1328 1994
Richard Kaufman Paul Gertner 213 1994
Richard Kaufman, Mark Phillips Lou Gallo 126 1996
Richard Kaufman, Jon Racherbaumer, Stephen Hobbs Various 172 1996-1998
Richard Kaufman Larry Jennings 254 1997
Richard Kaufman, René Lavand René Lavand 170 1998
David Berglas Reveals … Almost Everything Richard Kaufman, David Berglas David Berglas 394 2011
A Compendium Richard Kaufman, Steve Cohen Various 252 2013
Richard Kaufman, So Sato So Sato 191 2016
Richard Kaufman Larry Jennings 580 2020

68 pages, 2017

Seriously Silly
How to Entertain Children with Magic and Comedy
163 pages, 2005

1090 pages, 1987-2005

Don England's Paradox
152 pages, 2001

The Darkest Corners
304 pages, 2020

Lecture III
32 pages, 1983

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Chris Kenner, Dan Garrett Chris Kenner 6 1990 ca.
Killer Coins Across from the Mind of Chris Kenner Chris Kenner, Dan Garrett Chris Kenner 11 1991
Chris Kenner, Homer Liwag Various 80 1991-1992
Chris Kenner, Homer Liwag Chris Kenner 183 1992

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Mac King Mac King 20 1990
Here are some Magic Tricks that I know how to do. Inside ... Mac King Mac King 14 1990

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
A Lecture by Bob King Bob King Bob King 37 1989
A Further Collection of Magic Designed to Fool Magicians ... Bob King Bob King 21 1990
A Collection of Brilliant Magical Routines, Which May be ... Bob King Bob King 24 1991
The Ultimate Crimp — Routines and Applications Bob King Bob King 20 1992
Bob King Bob King 4 1993
The Ultimate Crimp — Further Routines and Applications Bob King Bob King 28 1993
Bob King Bob King 3 1994
Bob King Bob King 42 1995
Close-Up Tutorial 1 Bob King Bob King 11 1995
Bob King Bob King 31 1996
Bob King Bob King 2 1997
Close-Up Tutorial 2 Bob King Bob King 6 1997
Close-Up Tutorial 3 Bob King Bob King 5 1997
Close-Up Tutorial 4 Bob King Bob King 8 1998
Close-Up Tutorial 5 Bob King Bob King 7 1998
Close-Up Tutorial 6 Bob King Bob King 4 1998
The Previously Unpublished Card Magic of Bob King Bob King Bob King 36 1998
The Previously Unpublished Magic of Bob King Bob King Bob King 19 1999
The magic of Bob King Bob King Bob King 23 2000
The Ultimate Crimp — Final Routines and Applications Bob King Bob King 17 2002
Bob King Bob King 1 2003
Private Lecture Book Bob King Bob King 23 2003
Easy Routines for Cards, Coins, Telephone, Mental and More! Bob King Bob King 33 2005

Cosmosis Tips
5 pages, 1990

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
The Real Truth About Trade Show Magic and a lot more! Kenton Knepper, Gene Urban, Eddie Tullock Eddie Tullock 64 1996
Kenton Knepper Kenton Knepper 16 1998 ca.
Know the secrets of others - Learn psychic readings - No ... Docc Hilford, Kenton Knepper Docc Hilford, Kenton Knepper 16 2002

Four Professional Card Routines
13 pages, 2001

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Jared Kopf Jared Kopf 36 2016
Three Predictions Jared Kopf Jared Kopf 44 2016

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Ray Kosby Ray Kosby 16 1986
Ray Kosby Ray Kosby 12 1994

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
My Fifty Years In Magic Gerald Kosky, Arnold Furst Tenkai Ishida 144 1974
Gerald Kosky Gerald Kosky 248 1975

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Nathan Kranzo Nathan Kranzo 7 2001
Nathan Kranzo Nathan Kranzo 13 2001
The Magic of Nathan Kranzo Nathan Kranzo Nathan Kranzo 120 2021

Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
No. 1 Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 18 1987
No. 2 Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 19 1987
Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 22 1988
Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 34 1988
Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 22 1988
Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 10 1988
Coin Magic Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 12 1988
Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 28 1989
Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 17 1989
Keys to the Amplification of the Magic Effect Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 22 1989
Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 40 1990
Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 20 1991
Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 15 1991
A Coin Routine Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 30 1991
Professionelle Routinen für den Close-up Bereich Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 59 1992
Psychological and Directional Keys to the Amplification o... Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 40 1992
Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 5 1994
Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 12 1994
Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 28 1995
Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 23 1995
A Coin Routine Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 24 1995 ca.
Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 24 1996
Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 15 1997
Gary Kurtz Gary Kurtz 20 1998
Publications written under pennames: Jas Jakutsch.