Written by George Armstrong, Toni Koynini
Work of Toni Koynini
29 pages (Stapled), published by A "Magic Wand" Publication
No illustrations
Language: English
11 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Montague Wynne Foreword
Toni Koynini Switch It deck shuffled face-up/face-down, performer sorts cards out behind his back except free selection, deck switch
  • The Basic Switch
  • Switch It
  • Alternative Routine
Si Stebbins Formula knowing position of card
Toni Koynini Gambler's Delight half deck stacked, dealing several poker hands for different combination of players, good bridge hand
Toni Koynini A.B.C. Dealer four bridge hands dealt, top card of one pile is a Ten, first spectator counts down to tenth card, remembers it, tells his value to next one and so on for three selections, cards forced and dealt into performer's hand
Toni Koynini Can't See! "A Complete Act"
performer genuinely blindfolded, performer feels various qualities of cards
  • Picture Sense (all court cards sorted out during deal-through)
  • Now the Suits
  • Aces High
  • Reds and Blacks
  • Any Card! (any number card named, performer locates it while dealing through packet)
  • Out of this World (no longer blindfolded)
Toni Koynini Koyincidence three thirds of deck, spectator selects card, when two packets are deal in unison, mates are at selection, not sure, twenty-sixth key
Toni Koynini The Last Card free selection, then three more cards arrived at after dealing deck into three piles, all match and consists of four-of-a-kind
Toni Koynini Any Number spectator cuts deck and deals to any number in deck, adds digits and deals again, that card predicted
Inspired by
  • Al Koran trick from Magic Wand mental magic competition
Toni Koynini Evens spectator removes two even cards, subtracts them, takes that many cards, remembers new top card and shuffles deck, performer divines even cards, pocketed number and selection, clocking with even cards for two removed cards
Toni Koynini One Pound Revelation pound note between cardboards, name of free selection appears on note, then card itself appears between boards
  • Alternative Routine - With Borrowed Cards
Data entered by Denis Behr, August 2018.