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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Ben Erens, Henry Gordien, Louis Zingone Nicking the Edge of a Card three methods by those three people for nicking a selection, one with pencil
1938 61
Henry Gordien Card under the Napkin
1938 224
Henry Gordien The Gordien Rising Cards gramophone motor attached to table, thread
1938 408
Henry Gordien Knee Penetration
1938 647
Henry Gordien Another Sponge Ball Routine
Variations 1938 656
Henry Gordien Cigarettes and Hats matrix with four cigarettes and two hats
1938 756
Henry Gordien Henry Gordien's Method
1938 793
Henry Gordien A Compact Divination Trick spectator sets clock to any hour, performer divines it
1938 857
Henry Gordien The Salt Trick salt from hand to hand
1938 858
Henry Gordien Rising Cards from Goblet - Henry Gordien Method different hook up
1942 250
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Keith Clark, Al Flosso, George Krage, a coin trick, a card rising gag by Henry Gordien and a joke by Al Plough
July 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 13)
John Northern Hilliard Hilliard's Note on Gordien's Sponge Ball Routine
Inspired by 1994 1144