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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Little Card Rise miniature version of selection jumps out of the deck
Related to Jan. 1949 501
Royal Vale Heath, Ed Balducci Heath's "Di-ciphering" five dice with different three digit numbers on each face. Roll the dice, magician can very quickly give the sum of the numbers rolled
Variations 1956 106
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force with a short card to set-up
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
Edward Marlo Cut Deeper Force Variation with demonstration phase
Also published here 1974 209
Ed Balducci Impromptu Levitation with presentation angle by Martin Gardner (reaching up)
Related to July 1974 755
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1975 93
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1976 21
Ed Balducci, Henry Christ Cut Deeper Force
1978 70
Karl Fulves Impromptu Levitation comment on the Balducci trick
Related to 1978
Interlocutor (Issue 16)
Ed Balducci Another Finger Penetration
1979 32
Ed Balducci, Frank Mireider The Auto Mazo Deck 1934, see also p. 63 for comment by Ralph W. Hull
  • #1 Thought of Card Reversed
  • #2 Alternate Reverse Trick
  • #3 Selected Card Found Reversed
  • #4 Selected Card Transferred from One Half of Pack to Another
  • #5 Three Card Monte
  • #6 The Vanishing Aces
Variations 1983 58
Joe Berg The Ultra Mental Deck see also p. 86
  • named card that is seen is reversed
  • freely chosen card put reversed in deck, matching three-of-a-kind turns over
Inspired by 1983 66
Ed Balducci, Lin Searles Cut Deeper Force
1984 10
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper No. 56
1984 81
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1985 134
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1990 13
Ed Balducci Card in Wallet Balducci Wallet
1991 139
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1991 15
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
June/July 1991
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1991 27
Ed Balducci, Henry Christ Cut Deeper Force
July 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 7)
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
The Olram File (Issue 14)
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1993 5
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1993 5
Ed Balducci 1.- Volteo Dos Veces de Paquete, "Cut Deeper Force"
1993 143
Ed Balducci, Henry Christ, Edward Marlo The Balducci Force cut deeper
1995 86
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
June 1995
The Minotaur (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Ed Balducci, Henry Christ Cut Deeper Force
1996 28
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1996 2
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1997 38
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1997 182
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1997 304
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
Related to
  • Little Card Rise (1949)
  • "All Fair Coincidence" (Ed Balducci & Ken Krenzel, Hugard's Magic Monthly, November 1956)
1997 312
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1997 2
Ed Balducci Cut-Deeper Force
1998 3
Ed Balducci The Cut-Deeper Force
1999 41
Ed Balducci The Cut-Deeper Force
1999 142
Edward Marlo Finessed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
2001 106
Karl Fulves, Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Variation
2003 52
Ed Balducci, Edward Marlo Cut Deeper Force Variation with demonstration phase
Also published here 2006 100
Ed Balducci Cut-Deeper Force spreading action, not straight cutting, used to set Key Card, also see p. 153
2007 148
Ed Balducci Cut-Deeper Force spreading action, not straight cutting, used to set Key Card, also see p. 148
2007 153
Jerry K. Hartman, Ed Balducci Cut-Deeper Force variant same methodology as original Cut-Deeper Force, used in slightly different way
2007 263
Frederick Braue, Ed Balducci Cut-Deeper Force credit information
2008 261
Ed Balducci, Ken Krenzel The All-Fair Coincidence credit information, cut deeper force
Also published here
  • Hugard's Magic Monthly, Nov. 1956
Prolix (Issue 4)
Sam Mayer, Ed Balducci Cut-Deeper Force with credit information
2009 183
Ed Balducci, Sam Mayer Cut Deeper Force
2010 182
Steve Beam, Sam Mayer, Ed Balducci Cut-Deeper Force - Sleight Variation
Also published here 2010 206
Ed Balducci, Sam Mayer Cut Deeper Force
2010 36
Steve Beam Cut-Deeper Force - A Sleight Variation
Also published here 2011 26
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Heath Receipts instantly knowing the price of any named item
(PDF bonus from sometime before May 2013)
Inspired by May 2013
Real Secrets (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force without credit
2016 56
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
2018 53
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
2020 319