the flaming punch \n flame from liquid, piece for a magic bar routine \n joan brandon
my best
Joan Brandon
The Flaming Punch
biographical sketches of contributors \n - theo. annemann
- charles arbuthnot
- george e. arrowsmith
- roger barkann
- sylvan barnet
- joseph l. barnett
- raymond l. beebe
- eugene bernstein
- j. b. bobo
- john n. booth
- tom bowyer
- vynn boyar
- joan brandon
- fred braue
- john braun
- lu brent
- r. c. buff
- clyde f. cairy
- loring campbell
- jack chanin
- frank chapman
- forest v. chesbro
- milbourne christopher
- eddie clever
- stanley collins
- mystic craig
- thomas j. crawford
- john j. crimmins, jr.
- paul j. curry
- del monte
- harry dobrin
- ronald b. edwards
- bruce elliot
- professor el-tab
- dr. e. g. ervin
- dr. henry ridgely evans
- val evans
- "hen" fetsch
- thomas b. fitzgerald
- dariel fitzkee
- sid fleischman
- joseph harman fries
- martin gardner
- teral garrett
- walter b. gibson
- arnold l. grubin
- nelson c. hahne
- hathaway
- royal v. heath
- charles h. hopkins
- jean hugard
- mark jacobs
- r. m. jamison
- f. h. jeudevine
- maurice kains
- george g. kaplan
- george karger
- joseph a. karson
- wilbur kattner
- gerald lynton kaufman
- howard b. kayton, m.d.
- the great kolar
- gerald kosky
- abril lamarque
- william w. larsen
- sid lorraine
- art lyle
- l. vosburgh lyons
- richard f. madden
- greer marechal, jr.
- george mcathy
- william h. mccaffrey
- jack mcmillen
- harry mendoza
- orville meyer
- john w. mifflin
- chester morris
- paul morris
- frederick mosteller
- robert a. nelson
- c. a. george newmann
- grady s. nicholson
- dr. cecil e. nixon
- charles walter nyquist
- dell o'dell
- tom osborne
- george harrison pittman
- julien j. proskauer
- clayton rawson
- ralph w. read
- dolf rudin
- herb rungie
- ned rutledge
- james j. sanders
- lucille pierce saxon
- sigmar - the magician
- jerry sorensen
- willard s. smith
- george starke
- dr. raymond v. stone, sr. (ramo)
- harlan tarbell
- dr. franklin taylor
- j. g. thompson, jr.
- jack f. trebel
- m. van reese
- jack vosburgh
- audley valentine walsh
- peter warlock
- herman l. weber
- bob weill
- william h. wilson
- tommy windsor
- howard h. wise
- ed. wolff
- michael f. zens \n james g. thompson jr.
my best
James G. Thompson Jr.
Biographical Sketches of Contributors
backstage \n on jean hugard, virgil, the haskells, pierre cartier, jay marshall, joan brandon, blackstone, john gambling, sandy lee, okito, ben blue, kagar, dante, peter godfrey, fred keating, darriel fitzkee, del ray and more
- wizards at work
- gambling
- quick change
- dates
- okito
- tv topics
- jottings
- late entry
- clothes make the magic
- peter hauntz
- seen and heard
- del rey
- notes \n frank joglar
hugard's magic monthly
Frank Joglar
July 1951
backstage \n on roy benson, blackstone, randolph, jay marshall, leon maguire, max katz, joan brandon, c. r. tracy, gali gali, harry stanley, lucille & eddie roberts, mandrake, prince julian, dolinoff, sorcar, zorran, ade duval, milbourne christopher, dai vernon, leslie guest,
- jay marshall
- open house
- open palms
- busy brandon
- bits and pieces
- sorcar
- abra
- plans
- guild news
- tv notes
- jottings
- caviar and beer
- magical round-up \n frank joglar
hugard's magic monthly
Frank Joglar
Aug. 1951
backstage \n on albenice, john c. green, roy benson, ade duval, joan brandon, john scarne, norman s. livingstone, walter gibson, paul fleming, karrell fox, jimmy jimae, florian zabach, jay marshall, frank sinatra, noel lester, john gambling, delage and shirley, jackie gleason, ballantine, al flosso, milbourne christopher, dariel fitzkee, tom hendricks
- john c. green
- boardwalk chatter
- news and notes
- jimmy jimae
- seen or heard
- bits from britain
- delage and shirley
- tv topics
- the magazines
- congress magique
- p.c.a.m.
- jottings
- the thomas plan \n frank joglar
hugard's magic monthly
Frank Joglar
Sep. 1951