This book is written in three languages, but only the French text is listed below.
Written by Marconick
Work of Marconick
30 pages (Stapled), published by Editions Techniques du Spectacle
Illustrated with photographs and drawings by Frederik Kemner, John Elferink
Language: German, French, Italian
28 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Marconick Corde passant à travers le cou standart method
Also published here 1
Marconick Foulards en chaîne silks changes order in which they are knotted together, chain and triangle
Also published here 1
Marconick Apparition d'un foulard with thread
Also published here 2
Marconick Le final des anneaux dansant sur le parapluie rings dance on closed umbrella, when umbrella is opened confetti snow storm descends and the words THE END can be read on the umbrella
Also published here 3
Marconick Matérialisation de pièces several coins are produced from handkerchief, gripping coin through silk and turning it over
Also published here 5
Marconick Disparition des pièces coins placed inside glass and covered with silk and rubber band, coins vanish
Also published here 6
Marconick Pénétration d'un anneau ring release from loop, with extra piece
Also published here 7
Marconick Changement de couleurs patriotique three different colored silks held between different fingers, when pulled they change order
Also published here 8
Marconick L'anneau Inca deck is cut into packets and a ring placed on one, spectator looks through ring and names top card
Also published here 8
Marconick Tube bicolore pour production silk production from sheet of plastic which is formed into tube
Also published here 10
Marconick Deux en une two ropes are stretched to same size, then they become one
Also published here 11
Marconick Houlette aux cartes three selections are found by riffling through the deck, cards pop out of the deck one by one, last one reversed, using a gaff
Also published here 12
Marconick Das geheimnisvolle Band ribbon around thumb is fixed with rubber band and covered with small leather cone, then travels to glass in paper bag
Also published here 14
Marconick L'étendard aux colombes dove placed inside striped cloth changes into handkerchief
Also published here 15
Marconick La flamme voyageuse cigarette vanish and reproduction, match is lit and vanishes, flame floats upwards to ignite cigarette
Also published here 17
Marconick Les cartes impossibles three blank cards get printed with text that reveals selected card
Also published here 18
Marconick Cartes "à jouer" gag, playing cards pun with little harmonica hidden behind
Related toAlso published here 19
Marconick Houlette aux As production of four Aces, card pushed out and pivoted upwards behind deck
Also published here 20
Marconick Des Dés production and vanish of four thimbles
Also published here 20
Marconick Corde coupée et raccommodée three pieces of rope knotted together, knots jump off and rope is restored
Also published here 21
Marconick La carte dans la glace cards are sprung against mirror, selection sticks to it
Also published here 22
Marconick Changement de couleur dans l'espace silk is pushed inside tube and when blown out of tube it has changed color
Also published here 23
Marconick Production de cigarettes from silk, silk draped over hand when changed to other hand cigarette appears, repeated
Also published here 24
Marconick Le corde qui passe instantanément à travers le cou with extra piece
Also published here 25
Marconick Le mouchoir coupé et raccommodé cut and restored borrowed handkerchief
Also published here 25
Marconick Production de foulards les mains vides five silks are produced
Also published here 26
Marconick La carte sauteuse deck wrapped with rubber band and held with bulldog clip, selection shoots out
Also published here 27
Marconick Pénétration d'un dé à coudre through handkerchief
Also published here 28
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, December 2024.