Written by Karrell Fox
Work of Karrell Fox
28 pages (Stapled), published by The Ireland Magic Co.
Illustrated with drawings by Roy Kissell
Language: English
28 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page AA Categories
Karrell Fox Dedication Milton Kort & Bob Ungewitter
Don Alan Forward!
Karrell Fox Before we start.....
Karrell Fox "Hum-Bug" Prediction cardboard piece (with bug drawing on one side and prediction on other side) rides along as spread is flipped over on table
Related to 7
Karrell Fox Card in the Turban turban is made of giant card silk
Karrell Fox Lost and Found matchbook as card easel, wrong card changes into selection when deck is riffled against it on easel
Related toVariations 9
Karrell Fox C-Thru Card window in card with clear plastic layer for word gag
Karrell Fox Spotz Four of Hearts selected, Five of Hearts found but one Heart is cut out
Karrell Fox Op-Trick-al Illusion Two of Diamonds selected, Ace of Diamonds found, but when held before the eye correctly, two Diamonds are seen, optical illusion
Karrell Fox Hocus-Focus picture of chosen cards appears on napkin, photography presentation
Karrell Fox 2 or 3 from 5 & 10 toy pick, shovel and egg beater as comedy props
Karrell Fox Cardician Blendo three card silks with wrong cards change into large silk with selection
Variations 14
Karrell Fox Komical Cards: A "Marxed" Card picture of Groucho Marx on back of card for verbal gag, originally from New Phoenix
Related to 16
Karrell Fox The "Blushing" King King with a red face for gag
Also published here 16
Karrell Fox It's a "Scorcher" lit match held under deck to expand selection, instead it comes out with edges burnt
Karrell Fox I C U C Blindfold Three of Diamonds fastened on inside of blindfold, gag
Also published here 17
Karrell Fox Card Quad-Gaglets chapter intro
Karrell Fox The Magician's Helping Hand toy hand with miniature card inside
Also published here 18
Karrell Fox This Works - As a Rule name of selection on back of ruler
Also published here 19
Karrell Fox It's Done with Mirrors mirror on card, "you selected a queen"
Karrell Fox The Winnah duplicate of selection attached to Liar's Medal
Karrell Fox Yackit-Yak-Yoks card divined by fake teeth
Karrell Fox The Constant Jumper cards jump out of deck
Karrell Fox The Twitching Muscle presentation for Frank Taylor's Peek Deck
Inspired by 23
Karrell Fox, George Jason Jason's Favorite big and small valued cards are found as jumbo and miniature cards from deck in pocket
Related toAlso published here 24
Karrell Fox Card in Wallet Surprise card appears on wallet, on repeat the wallet unfolds into string of cards except selection
Karrell Fox Absent Minded Finish deck replaced into case and put away, yet deck remains on table as if it dropped through
Karrell Fox About the Author about Karrell Fox
Data entered by Denis Behr, September 2017.