63 entries in Silk & Handkerchief / Knot Effects / False Knots
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Of fast or loose, how to knit a hard knot upon a handkercher, and to undo the same with words converting square knot into slip knot
Related to 1584 190
How to knit a hard knot upon a handkercher, and to seem to undoe the same with words converting square knot into slip knot
Related to 1634 39
Défaire un double noeud d'un mouchoir sans le toucher Undoing a double knot of a handkerchief without touching it
1786 218
The Handkerchief that cannot be Tied in a Knot
1876 237
The Vanishing Knots
1876 238
Charles Arbre Die Knoten im Taschentuch knot vanishes when silk is shaken, two knots appear in silk
May 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 5)
Slipknot with Silks
1903 167
Fake Knot
1931 27
The Pull-Away Single Knot
1941 364
The Dissolving Single Knot
1941 365
The Fade-Away Double Knot release knot for two silks
Variations 1941 368
The Nu-Away Double Knot release knot for 2 silks
Also published here 1941 369
Quick Release Double Knot release knot for 2 silks
1941 371
G. W. Hunter The Magical Bow Knot
1941 374
Al Baker Spirits At Work thread, unknotting with short knot sequence
Also published here 1941 60
Al Baker The Knot that just Won't
VariationsAlso published here 1941 64
Al Baker False Knot for two Silks knotting two silks together
Also published here 1941 69
False Knot
1942 9
Jack Miller Knotty Silk knot disappears and reappears, using thread
1945 352
A Knotty Interlude tight knot is resolved, knot appears
June 1945 125
Dr. Arnold Boston The Evolution of a Knot three false knots with a handkerchief
June 1946 227
U. F. Grant The Impossible Knot knot routine with a handkerchief
July 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 207)
Joe Berg, Martin Gardner The Joe Berg Knot
Also published here Feb. 1950 630
Eddie Joseph That's Tight Enough easily opening a knot
1952 7
Dai Vernon Dai Vernon's False Knot
1957 155
Bert Allerton Impromptu Handkerchief Routine
1958 44
Bert Allerton "Not A Knot"
1958 44
G. W. Hunter, Nate Leipzig Fadeaway Knot
1963 76
Edwin Leist-Bernini Schuhnesteltrick mit Seil Hunter bow tie not
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 6)
John Scarne El Nudo deshecho de "Scarne"
Also published here
  • John Scarne's "176. Blowing a Knot Out of a Handkerchief" in "Scarne's Magic Tricks". P.10.
1967 18
The Knot that Will Knot
1974 53
Dissolving Knot
1976 12
Dai Vernon, Joe Berg Berg Knot Variation
Inspired by 1977
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #7)
Harry Lorayne Not a Knot!
1977 257
Joe Berg Der Joe Berg Tuchknoten
Also published here Mar. 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Karrell Fox Knifty-Knot knot tied into silk in slow-motion, yet it vanishes
1979 63
Alessandro de Luca Cone of Power three scarfs with different colors, selected one has a knot
Magick (Issue 262)
Keith Davies Silken Shade
The Talon (Issue 6)
Not A Knot No. 63
1981 77
Ron Fredrick The Babushka Routine five phase routine with dissolving knots and a large handkerchief, final one is through neck
1982 7
Karrell Fox Silknot
Jan. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Splitting Knots one knot on a silk becomes two, good luck with the illustrations
1985 24
Silk Moves
  • Unknotting Silk
  • Knot That Isn't
shown by Charlie Miller (1939)
1985 27
Jean Hugard Tuchknoten & andere Spielereien collection of silk knot effects and flourishes, stretching silk
  • 1. Ein Tuch in die Länge ziehen
  • 2. Das nicht zu verknotende Tuch
  • 3. Ein beidhändiger Blitzknoten
  • 4. Zwei Blitzknoten
  • 5. Die Vereinigungs-Knoten
  • 6. Der Arm-Blitzknoten
  • 7. Ein einhändiger Blitzknoten
  • 8. Fliegende Knoten
  • 9. Einhand-Knoten mit zwei Tüchern
  • 10. Ein-Hand-End-Knoten
  • 11. Drei-Tücher-Blitzverknotung
  • 12. Doppel-Schleifen-Knoten
  • 13. Die verschwindenden Schleifen-Knoten
  • 14. Verschwindende Knoten
  • 15. Ein Tuch mit sieben Enden
  • 16. Zwei Knoten aus einem
  • 17. Ein magisches Auffädeln
  • 18. Tuch durch Bein
  • 19. Die Stanley Collins' Variante
  • 20. Das Schlagen eines Knotens ohne Loslassen der Enden
  • 21. Das sich selbst entkontende Tuch
  • 22. Ein nützlicher Knoten
  • 23. Das schwebende Tuch
  • 24. Das Heimkehrer-Tuch
  • 25. Das Herumwirbeln eines Tuches
  • 26. Ein Geschicklichkeits-Trick
July 1985
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 3 & 4)
Der Falsche Knoten
Gimmick (Issue 2)
Karrell Fox "No Not" fairly knot tied vanishes
1988 26
Joe Berg, Dai Vernon Joe Berg Knot
1989 6
Billy McComb The Knot
Dec. 1997 3
Charlie Miller, Ron Bauer Left-Handed Hank knot dissolves
Inspired by 2001 1
The Right-Handed Knot
2001 21
The Left-Handed Knot
2001 23
Tom Gaddis The Right-Handed Knot Variation
2001 25
Al Baker Spirits At Work thread, unknotting with short knot sequence
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
Al Baker The Knot that just Won't
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
Al Baker False Knot for two Silks knotting two silks together
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
Joe Berg, Dai Vernon Joe Berg Knot
2006 40
Doug Edwards G.W. Hunter Knot Handling with a ring
2013 126
The Nu-Away Double Knot release knot for 2 silks
Also published here July 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 7)
George Sands Twist Knot with extra piece, false knot and fusing two ropes together
  • Figure Eight Restoration
  • "Sam Schwartz's Delivery"
  • Sleight of Foot Restoration
Also published here 2014 36
Johnny Thompson Unprepared Serpentine Silk knot vanishes with a snap
Inspired by
  • an item from Keith Clark
2018 233
Square Knot
2018 39
Ignacio López The Fade-Away Double Knot Variation
Inspired by 2018 47
Square Knot false knot
2019 17