Display the following magic books:

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Title Subtitle Author Artist Pages Year
Lewis Ganson Dai Vernon 239 1957
John C. Wagner John C. Wagner 59 1978
Harry Lorayne Ken Krenzel 254 1978
Mike Maxwell Larry Jennings 267 1986
Mike Maxwell John C. Wagner 164 1987
Three Complete Lessons in Professional Card Presentation Stephen Minch Larry Jennings 40 1987
The Lost Inner Secrets Stephen Minch Dai Vernon 235 1987
More Lost Inner Secrets Stephen Minch Dai Vernon 245 1988
Marlo in New Tops (June 1963 to April 1968) Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 365 1988
Mike Maxwell Larry Jennings 204 1988
and other assorted Mysteries Mike Maxwell Bruce Cervon 151 1989
Further Lost Inner Secrets Stephen Minch Dai Vernon 219 1989
the close-up magic of John Bannon John Bannon John Bannon 142 1990
Mike Maxwell Michael Skinner 20 1990
A Compilation of Modern Wonders Stephen Minch Various 168 1990
Stephen Minch, Bruce Cervon Bruce Cervon 177 1990
Transitional Studies Jon Racherbaumer Jon Racherbaumer 203 1990
Stephen Minch John Carney 266 1991
Lance Pierce Roger Klause 260 1991
Michael Ammar Michael Ammar 306 1991
Stephen Minch Alex Elmsley 404 1991
Notes On The Work Jon Racherbaumer Various 278 1992
A Modular Experiment Jon Racherbaumer Various 82 1992
Sid Fleischman Sid Fleischman 228 1993
Aldo Colombini Aldo Colombini 172 1994
Stephen Minch Alex Elmsley 495 1994
A Modern Treatise on the Art of Card Magic Justin Higham, Roger Crosthwaite Various, Roger Crosthwaite, Jack Avis 236 1994
Marlo in New Tops (May 1968 to May 1979) Edward Marlo Edward Marlo 404 1995
The Close-Up Magic of Michael Kaminskas Michael Kaminskas Michael Kaminskas 103 1996
Michael Skinner Michael Skinner 85 1996
John Luka Various 143 1997
Harry Lorayne Doug Edwards 208 1997
Nick Trost Nick Trost 332 1997
The Close-Up Magic of Simon Lovell Simon Lovell Simon Lovell 242 1997
All You Ever Wanted To Know About The Himber Wallet — A... Harry Lorayne Harry Lorayne 227 1998
Bruce Cervon, world-renowned magician, shoots out more ma... Stephen Minch Bruce Cervon 178 1998
New Edition John Derris Various 94 1998
More Close-Up Magic of Simon Lovell Simon Lovell Simon Lovell 197 2000
Jon Racherbaumer Don Alan 270 2000
Lance Pierce John Cornelius 181 2001
Notebooks 1, 2, 3 (1964-1965) Bruce Cervon Various 409 2007
Al Schneider Al Schneider 732 2011

My Week with a Stripper
A Stimulating and Provocative New Look at the Stripper Deck
18 pages, 2005

Leichte Zauberei
Eine Sammlung von Zauberkunststücken ohne und mit Appara...
162 pages, 1927

La Magie Blanche Dévoilée
155 pages, 1784/1788

Der Kartenkünstler
125 pages, 1895

The Magic Book
A Conjurer's Collection of Dazzling Effects for Parlor an...
195 pages, 1977