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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Eddie Joseph False Count glide position, similar to a Biddle steal
1939 12
Elmer Biddle The Biddle Card Vanish Biddle Steal
Also published here
  • Elmer Biddle's "Transcendent" in "Genii" April, 1947.
June 1948 434
Purvis W. Miller Biddle Card Vanish Biddle Steal used to add cards
Jan. 1949 501
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
1949 41
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
Mar. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 224)
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
1952 141
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
1956 159
Elmer Biddle, Tony Kardyro Kardyro-Biddle Steal Sequence
1958 27
Edward Marlo Vanishing Eleven eleven cards vanish, selection remains, Biddle steal
Related toVariations Dec. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 24)
Reverse Biddle Steal add card from bottom of deck as you peel cards off top
1970 19
Pete Biro Here's a Tip tip for the Biddle Steal Trick
Inspired by May 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Breakless Biddle Steal
Dec. 1972 577
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal brief
1972 23
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal brief
1972 26
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal brief
1972 57
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal brief
1972 60
Elmer Biddle, Larry Jennings Biddle Steal
1975 24
Biddle Steal
1975 49
Charles T. Jordan Transfer Steal cards counted into other hand and bottom cards are transferred during the counting, Biddle Load type action but not from End Grip
Also published here 1975 53
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
1976 2
Biddle Steal
1978 92
Biddle Steal
1980 28
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
1980 19
Biddle Steal
The Talon (Issue 6)
Biddle Steal
1980 5
Paul Friedman Biddle Bemused biddle steal handling
Related toVariations June 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Biddle Steal
1981 82
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
1982 2
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal while counting the cards
1983 12
Peter Wilker, Elmer Biddle, Deane Moore Gloria Mundi on the Biddle steal and the clip palm
Inspired by
  • "Genii" Vol. 11. P. 241 & 305.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 44 No. 1)
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
1984 12
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
1987 98
Davide Costi Breakless Biddle Steal
Sep. 1987
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Biddle Steal
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 9-12 Paul Harris: The Act)
End Grip Overcount with Biddle steal
1988 32
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
1989 128
Biddle Steal
1990 19
Elmer Biddle Biddle Load and Steal
1990 12
Elmer Biddle Biddle-Griff Biddle steal
1990 14
John Bannon Divided Biddle Steal alternative do Marlo's "Bold Face-Up Switch"
1991 25
T. Page Wright A False Count from end grip, reverse biddle steal
1991 132
Elmer Biddle The Biddle Card Vanish biddle steal
1992 9
Biddle Steal Count
Dec. 1992
The Minotaur (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Tony Kardyro, Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
1992 71
Charles T. Jordan Transfer Steal cards counted into other hand and bottom cards are transferred during the counting, Biddle Load type action but not from End Grip
Also published here 1992 207
Elmer Biddle Cuenta Biddle Biddle Steal, as a steal and a false count
1993 259
Tony Kardyro, Elmer Biddle Kardyro-Biddle Steal Sequence
1994 141
Elmer Biddle, Tony Kardyro Biddle Steal
1994 174
Roger Crosthwaite Biddle Steal Credit Information Biddle, Kardyro, Marlo
Related to
  • "Discourse On A Move" (MUM, Dec. 1959, p. 278)
1994 177
Justin Higham Variation Two: Steal-Back biddle steal/load handling
1994 185
Biddle Packet Switch cards drawn into left hand, then tabled after a back-steal
1995 32
Biddle Steal
1996 161
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Close-up Fantasies Finale)
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Magical Arts Journal)
Ron Bauer Biddle Steal no break handling
1997 100
Elmer Biddle The Biddle Steal
1998 507
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
1999 178
Terry LaGerould Stepped-Deck Biddle Steal
2001 24
Paul Rosini The Fifth Card? five cards shown, spectator names one, it vanishes and reappears sandwiched in deck, biddle trick effect (without biddle steal)
Also published here
  • Genii, May 1946
Feb. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 2)
Tony Kardyro, Elmer Biddle Kardyro-Biddle Steal
2003 18
Davide Costi Biddle Steal breakless
2004 58
Biddle Steal
2004 114
Elmer Biddle The Biddle Steal brief
2004 43
Biddle Steal Separation
2005 27
Tony Kardyro, Elmer Biddle Kardyro-Biddle Steal
2006 165
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
2006 114
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
2006 43
Biddle Steal
2007 315
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
2007 33
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal brief, also see p. 318
2007 212
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal brief, also see p. 212
2007 318
Edward Marlo K.B.V. Move Biddle Steal type of move
Related to
  • "Discourse on a Move" (Edward Marlo, M-U-M, Dec 1959)
2009 37
John Guastaferro Biddleless - The Biddleless Trick biddle trick without biddle steal
Variations 2010 80
John Guastaferro One for the Boys variant of Biddleless Steal
2010 83
Tom Gagnon Gagnon-Biddle Card Vanish handling of Biddle steal
2011 56
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
2013 79
Tom Gagnon Gagnon-Biddle Card Vanish handling of Biddle steal
2013 13
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
El Manuscrito (Vol. 8 No. 32)
Biddle Steal
2017 49
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
2018 105
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
2018 34
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal brief
2018 51
Jeremiah Zuo Queen Scream Queens on table, unknown selection in case, Queens lost in deck one by one, they travel under case or appear near it, for last Queen the case appears on deck, story presentation
  • The First Abduction (FOAL Revelation)
  • The Second Abduction
  • The Third Abduction (Don't Try to be a Hero)
  • The Final Attack The Magic Ranch Steal ("Biddle Box Steal")
  • Denouement
Inspired by 2019 64
Jeremiah Zuo Card Under Box - Ending 4 case suddenly appears in deck over selection, Biddle Box Steal
Inspired by 2019 73
Jeremiah Zuo Excursus 6: More on Sandwiches and Boxes two selections lost, two Jokers removed from case, first selection appears between them, then case appears between Jokers with second selection inside, Biddle Box Steal
Also published here
  • "One To-Go Box, Please!" (Game of Tom, Tom Dobrowolski, 2015)
2019 75
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
2019 22
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
2019 29
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal
2020 66
Richard Kaufman History credit information on the Biddle Steal
2020 499
Biddle Steal
Also published here
  • Genii, Nov. 1962
Aug. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 8)
Brandon Sheffield Sheffiddle Biddle Trick handling without Biddle Steal
  • A Thought from Scott (Scott Baird)
Dec. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 12)
John Guastaferro Biddleless Redux biddle trick without biddle steal, card apparently thought of via Hartman's High-Card Mental Force, variations:
  • Underhanded
  • Card Box
  • Prediction
  • ACAAN (Simon Black)
Inspired by 2023 105