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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Roger Smith, Steve Saunders, Ron Hicks The Spell of a Good Magician three thought-of cards spelled to, they then change to Aces to match a fourth card, faro
1977 9
Ron Hicks, Flash Gheen, Roger Smith The Magnificent Monte Marvel monte routine, partially on top of deck
Related to 1977 19
Ron Hicks The Transparent Coin #1 or What Happens If You Polish A Coin Too Much? coin held in spellbound position, is rubbed away
1978 8
Ron Hicks, Roger Smith The Transparent Coin #2 coin held in spellbound position, is rubbed away
1978 10
Ron Hicks Anytime Coin to Wallet marked coin to wallet
1978 11
Ron Hicks One Coin Through the Table repeated coin through table, then coin is covered with salt shaker and handkerchief and salt shaker penetrates table
1978 12
Ron Hicks Transparent Triple Change Spell Bound half Dollar changes into plastic disc, then into copper coin and back to half Dollar
1978 16
Ron Hicks Not Another Copper Silver Transpo multiple phases, using a brick
1978 18
Ron Hicks Where Did That Coin Go signed coin vanishes and appears in wallet, repeated
1978 20
Ron Hicks One Han Propelled Change tabled change
1978 23
Ron Hicks One Handed Slide Lap lap or sleeve
1978 24
Ron Hicks Two Handed Slide Lap coin on table is briefly covered and vanishes
1978 26
Ron Hicks Toss Repro
1978 28
Ron Hicks One Handed Instantaneous Slide Change
1978 30
Ron Hicks The Flip Out Vanish coin vanish, on the back of closed fist, pushed in sleeve
1978 32
Ron Hicks Two Handed Propelled Change
1978 34
Ron Hicks Three-Riffic Ambitious Card with Three of Spades, then all other cards are shown as Three of Hearts
1978 36
Ron Hicks RH Factor Monte one card of Sandwich is switched
Related to 1978 38
Ron Hicks A Cup & Ball Move apparently placing ball into cup
1978 40
Ron Hicks The Texas Twist showing two as three and four as two cards, pivoting small packet in the hands diagonally, similar to step break
1979 5
Ron Hicks Texas Twist Transpo #1
1979 6
Ron Hicks Texas Twist Transpo #2 card signed on the back
1979 8
Ron Hicks Texas Twist Transpo #3 transposition of the red Aces, then they change into black Aces and back
1979 8
Ron Hicks Jacking Around Again transposition of red Aces, then Aces are signed on the backs and they change into black Jacks
1979 10
Ron Hicks Signed Sandwich Sort of Aces signed on the backs, sandwich with two selections, signatures end up on selections
  • Additional Notes
1979 12
Ron Hicks The Card Players Sandwich very direct Case load, Ovette Master Move style
1979 15