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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Henry Christ Tally-Ho! spelling using words on card case
Variations 1971 115
Bob Mason Spell Fox Lake spelling using words on card case, using Fox Lake Playing Cards
Inspired by 1973
Magick (Issue 90)
Bruce Bernstein, Terry Nosek Number Prediction cards with numbers from one to ten are shuffled and dealt into three piles, two piles are used to form number, prediction of total
Related to
  • Bob Mason's "Predicta-Total"
Also published here
1985 9
Harry Lorayne, Bob Mason Guess Quotient four four of a kinds are removed, spectator guesses if various pairs match in value or not, everything correct
Variations 2007 19
Nick Trost The Eleven Routine nine tabled pairs, spectator drops prediction on one of them, only that pair adds up to predicted number eleven, two more phases
Inspired byRelated to 2009 445
Nick Trost Trost on Bob Mason's "Ultra-Die Prophecy" three dice thrown and total counted to in ESP deck, card matches prediction
Inspired by
  • Bob Mason's "Ultra-Die Prophecy", marketed 1974
2011 835
Nick Trost The Power of Money nine ESP cards on table, spectator places three poker chips on cards, nine more are dealt on top of the tabled cards, only the pairs with the poker chips match
Inspired by
  • "Marka-Thought" (Bob Mason, marketed 1972)
Related to
  • "Figgerow" (Stewart James, Stewart James in Print, 1989)
2015 1330
Harry Lorayne Guess Quotient four four of a kinds are removed, spectator guesses if various pairs match in value or not, everything correct
Inspired by 2017 24
Szabolcs Molnár M.T.W.C. "(Marked Thought With Chips)"
five ESP cards dealt face down on table, spectator places chips on some, another round dealt on top, only the ones with chips have matching ESP symbols which are also predicted on other side of chips
Inspired by
  • "Marked Thought" (Bob Mason)
2023 48