Written by Marconick
Work of Marconick
58 pages (Stapled), published by the magic hands editions
Illustrated with drawings
Language: German
28 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Manfred Thumm Einleitung
Marconick Tuchproduktion with thread
Also published here 4
Marconick Tücher aus dem Nichts silks are produced
Also published here 5
Marconick Tuchproduktion aus einem Ball production of two silks from a third silk, all silks end up knotted together, using a silk ball
Also published here 6
Marconick Fünf Tücher aus einem five silks are produced from other handkerchief
Also published here 8
Marconick Blitztücher flash paper on metal rod is ignited, five handkerchiefs appear instantly
Also published here 10
Marconick Drei Tücher auf einem Band production of three silks, when ribbon is pulled through hand
Also published here 12
Marconick Ein Tuch erscheint auf einem Kleiderhaken two silks knotted on coathanger, third silk appears
Also published here 14
Marconick Tücherproduktion en gros stream of handkerchief is produced from other silk
Marconick Seidentuchschütteln silk is shaken and knotted silk appears on end, silk is removed and trick repeated up to five time
Also published here 18
Marconick Tuch im Knoten silk appears knotted o a loop of rope
Also published here 20
Marconick Das mittlere Tuch silk appears knotted o a loop of rope
Also published here 22
Marconick Die Verwandlung des 20. Jahrhunderts transposition of rope and silk, rope knotted between two silks in the end
Also published here 24
Marconick Goldin-Tücher (Sympathetic Silks)
Also published here 27
Marconick Der schnellste Knoten der Welt two ends of silk are knotted together when placed inside fist
Also published here 30
Marconick Farbwechsel in der Luft silk is pushed inside tube and when blown out of tube it has changed color
Also published here 31
Marconick Verwandlung in zwei Richtungen
Also published here 33
Marconick Fahnenverwandlung
Also published here 35
Marconick Flaggenerscheinen production of several flags behind silk
Marconick Patriotische Verwandlungen three different colored silks held between different fingers, when pulled they change order
Also published here 40
Marconick Vermehrungs-Becher two bowls, drinking and producing water
Marconick Der leichte Weg beim Dice-Stacking dice stacking, production of golf ball which is bigger than cup as climax
Marconick Seidentücher, die sich ins Niemandsland absetzen various silks in salad shaker vanish in a flash, with option to make them reappear again
Also published here 43
Marconick Produktion von Karten, Bällen, Münzen und Zigaretten aus einem Tuch cards, balls, coins and cigarettes produced from silk
Marconick Die Taubenmatte dove placed inside striped cloth changes into handkerchief
Also published here 48
Marconick Flaschentrick bottles with different colored handkerchiefs, using an apple and a pear
Marconick Durchdringung des Körpers in einer Tuch-Kombination after cords of Phantasia, rope and silks are placed inside bag and are found to be knotted together
Marconick Finale mit tanzenden Ringen und Regenschirm rings dance on closed umbrella, when umbrella is opened confetti snow storm descends and the words THE END can be read on the umbrella
Also published here 54
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, December 2024.