This book is written in three languages, but only the French text is listed below.
Written by Marconick
Work of Marconick
28 pages (Stapled), published by Editions Techniques du Spectacle
Illustrated with photographs and drawings by Frederik Kemner, John Elferink
Language: German, French, Italian
20 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Jean-Pierre Hornecker Introduction
Marconick Apparition d'une colombe dans un magazine
Also published here 1
Marconick Un changement de couleur sans manipulation multiple flaps
Also published here 2
Marconick Retournement magique de la carte choisie cards ribbon spread and turned over, card appears in spread
Also published here 2
Marconick Production de foulards production of two silks from a third silk, all silks end up knotted together, using a silk ball
Also published here 3
Marconick Deux rubans changent du place two ribbon rings as linked and change places
Also published here 4
Marconick Les foulards sympathiques with production of object as climax
Also published here 4
Marconick La canne magique knob on cane vanishes and appears again, various moves, 9 sequences
Also published here 7
Marconick Manipulations avec une boule et un chapeau ball and hat sequence
Also published here 15
Marconick Transformation d'un lapin en une cascade de foulards handkerchief formed to rabbit turns into fountain of silks
Also published here 16
Marconick "Elceis Emeitgniv" in reverse, three knotted silks in glass covered by handkerchief, silk in the middle penetrates handkerchief
Also published here 17
Marconick La boucle sans fin stretching a piece of ribbon
Also published here 18
Marconick Changement de couleur d'une carte
Also published here 19
Marconick Transposition de lait milk in glass vanishes and appears in glass under hat, Wonderglass
Also published here 19
Marconick Les foulards flashs flash paper on metal rod is ignited, five handkerchiefs appear instantly
Also published here 20
Marconick Enchaînement pour "Le foulard pris au lasso" three loops of rope linked together and two silk appears in the middle
Also published here 21
Marconick Monsieur Lapin card is found by small toy rabbit inside bucket
Also published here 22
Marconick Le Chapelet on the Eight Kings, with brief outline of routines
  • two cards at same position
  • stacked deck with partner
  • naming all cards to stack deck
Also published here 23
Marconick Production à la boîte de Kleenex silks produced from rolled up kleenex ball, load with box
Also published here 25
Marconick Corde nouée passant à travers le cou
Also published here 26
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, December 2024.