Written by Karl Fulves
Work of Karl Fulves
22 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings
Language: English
16 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Karl Fulves Introduction
Karl Fulves He Has Followers No. 1, spectator riffle shuffles once and then deals into two piles part of the deck, follow the leader type presentation for color separation, colors marked on backs
Karl Fulves Ruse et Noir No. 2, as many red in one pile as there are black in the other pile
Variations 6
Karl Fulves Follow Me No. 3, spectator follows dealing pattern of performer, backs marked for color
Related to 7
Karl Fulves Ruse B impromptu method
Inspired by 9
Karl Fulves Ruse C another method
Inspired by 9
Karl Fulves Ruse D another method and comment
Inspired by 10
Karl Fulves Touch For Color No. 4, two packets made, four red cards removed from packet A and any for cards moved from packet B to packet A, number of reds in A equals blacks in B
Related toVariations 11
Karl Fulves Unequally Equal No. 5, follow-up to "Touch For Color" with similar effect
Inspired by 12
Karl Fulves Balance of Trade No. 6, piles made and some cards exchanged, black cards in pile A equal number of black cards in pile B
Karl Fulves The Dark Force No. 7, two piles made with a secret number, performer moves some cards from pile to pile, number of reds in one pile equals black in other pile
Variations 14
Karl Fulves Unlisted Numbers No. 8, spectator removes any number of cards of each suit, piles made, number of Spades in one pile equals number of Diamonds plus Hearts plus Clubs in other pile
Karl Fulves No Moe No. 9, first black card in pile remembered, added to deck, later found
Karl Fulves Charlie Cheats No. 10, number of reds and blacks in packet determine who wins, two phases
Related to 17
Karl Fulves Color on Contact No. 11, after some dealing and calculation, the number of red cards in two packets match
Karl Fulves Color By Number No. 12, spectator deals deck into four piles according to a dealing pattern that he made up of numbers written in red or black, all color separated
Data entered by Denis Behr, December 2019.