Written by David Acer
Work of Patrik Kuffs
32 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Joey Incollingo
Language: English
13 entries
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David Acer Foreword
Patrik Kuffs French Lint card name appears on lint remover roll after rubbing it on close-up pad where selection was
Patrik Kuffs Under The Table card folded to stabilize shaky table, turns out to be later selection
Related to 7
Lubor Fiedler, Tom Sellers Fiedler Force credited to Fiedler, partial card stuck on back of joker
Patrik Kuffs Signed Card Under Table Leg card folded to stabilize shaky table, turns out to be later selection, signed version
Related to 10
Patrik Kuffs Temporal Anomaly two wrist watches borrowed, spectator and performer each set random time behind their backs, times written on notepads, they match
Also published here 12
Patrik Kuffs Bottle Royale three paper bags, performer slaps down on two chosen by spectators, third one is shown to have beer bottle with top broken off
  • Dangerous Monte
Patrik Kuffs Invisible Touch spectator draws x on a picture of a hand, another spectator feels a touch on that very finger
Dr. Stanley Jaks Peek Wallet hole in back
Patrik Kuffs P.K. Card Stab on table through paper cover, fair wash shuffle by spectator
VariationsAlso published here 22
Patrik Kuffs Jackpot! five envelopes in a glass
Patrik Kuffs The Billet Glass secret pocket under base of wine glass
Patrik Kuffs, David Acer The Professional Touch
Data entered by Denis Behr, May 2019.