Written by Ignacio López
Work of Ignacio López
110 pages (Paperback), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with photographs and drawings by Ignacio López
Language: Spanish
19 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Marko Prólogo de Marko
Merpin Prólogo de Merpin
Ignacio López Declaración del Autor - Permiso, Perdón y Gracias
Ignacio López Sobre Magia thoughts on magic and the performer
Ignacio López El Diario Periódico without extra gimmick, flash restoration
Related toAlso published here 23
Ignacio López El Carterista cased deck is in pocket, card fished out and put in wallet, very fast repetition
Related toAlso published here 31
Ignacio López El Misterio de los Pañuelos Simpáticos three phases, with a glass
Also published here 37
Square Knot
Ignacio López The Fade-Away Double Knot Variation
Inspired by 47
Ignacio López Resonancia with second glass filled with water, sound made to apparently make card rise
Also published here 51
Ignacio López Aparición de Copa (O Comienzo para Qualquier Acto de Magia) appearing glass, with handkerchief
Also published here 57
Ignacio López La Carta en el Pañuelo - El Juego Que lo Haría a Roberto Mansilla a handkerchief, glass and deck appear, then selection appears on handkerchief
Also published here 61
Ignacio López La Investigación Sobre "La Carte en el Pañuelo" research, history and precursors of the Card Silk
Also published here 67
Ignacio López Elección de un Juego on how to select tricks, "Elección Ideológica"
Ignacio López Coherencia y Conciencia on coherence and conscience
Ignacio López Emoción Ilogica
Ignacio López El Pensador on Auguste Rodin's Thinker and on magic
Ignacio López El Efecto - Historia de un Asesino on Patrick Süskind's "The Perfume" and on magic
Ignacio López Epílogo - Pintarse a Sí Mismo
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, April 2019.