74 entries in Thimble / Sequences
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Lee Stewart Fingerhut-Kunststücke thimble sequences
I. vanish
II. swallowing
III. vanish as thimble is handed to spectator
IV. vanish
V. vanish from thumb
VI. showing both hands empty
VII. handling multiple thimbles, body holder
Dec. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 12)
Laurie Ireland Four Thimble Vanish and Reproduction
1931 4
Tom Sellers Glido - The Thimble That Glides glides across table
1931 6
Otis Manning Finger Exercise! thimbles jump around on fingers
Also published here Feb. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 17)
Jean Hugard Easy Moves With One Thimble describes four short sequences with one thimble, with some advice on how to execute thimble sleights and magic
1936 6
Jean Hugard Moves With Two Thimbles Describes five short sequences with two thimbles
1936 6
Otis Manning A Finger Practice Effect Short skill demonstration of magician's nimble fingers with thimbles, two thimbles changes places on two fingers of same hand very quickly
Also published here 1936 20
Jean Hugard 2 - Swallowed and Pulled From Throat
1936 22
Jean Hugard 3 - Two Quick Moves Quick vanish and reproduction
1936 22
Jean Hugard 8 - Up the Arm
1936 24
James Shannon 10 - Two For One Apparently showing two thimbles - visible and invisible
1936 25
Jean Hugard 11 - From Hand to Hand and Back Again Vanish and reproduction sequence
1936 25
Jean Hugard Some Flourishes Karate thimble - catching thimble on finger in midair
Related to 1936 26
John Goodrum Lost And Found gag
1937 52
John Goodrum A Contrast Screen
1937 55
The Tricky Thumble match appears under thimble with gag presentation
1938 832
William H. McCaffrey "Squash" Routine thimble changes to small glass of liquid, vanishes again
Inspired by
  • "Squash" (marketed by Percy Abbott)
1943 30
17 - Thimble Jump from Hand to Hand
1945 90
18 - Side Swing Jump Over from hand to hand
1945 91
Senor Charles Mardo A Thimble Routine vanishes/productions, penetrations through fist, vanish in pants fold, produce thimbles on all fingers, thimble becomes long ribbon
1945 21
Bert Douglas Thimble Box to load each finger, from a box
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1947)
Paul Fox Thimble Pop-Up thimble travels from hand to thumb
1947 117
Bob Ellis Thimble Production four thimbles
1948 56
Chester Dobski Thimble Magic
  • Pocket to Pocket
May 1950
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 7 No. 12)
Chester Dobski Thimble Magic order of three thimbles change when pushed in fist
  • Red, White and Blue
Sep. 1950 705
Al Leech Stop Light Thimbles
Related to 1952 3
Al Leech Multiplying Thimbles production of eight thimbles
1952 4
Fay Smith Thimble Transposed thimble transforms into ribbons and rubber ball
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1958)
Al Leech Thimble and Thread thimble changes into spool of thread
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Thimbleitis gag, sticking thimble on nose, rubber cement
June 1962
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Jan Torell Thimble Sequence finger with thimble is removed, gag
1975 22
Patrick Page Thimble Manipulation basic thumb palm move, variations
1976 151
Thimble Hop between first and second finger
1976 166
The Jumping Thimble from hand to hand
1976 168
Lewis Ganson A Novel Opening "thimble set in mouth"
1979 8
Karrell Fox Finger Flinger short thimble routine, then spectator takes thimble off finger and gets the whole (sixth) finger
1979 35
Al Leech Thimbles Unanimous general comments
1980 95
Al Leech Marksmanship
1980 102
Mike Caveney Temporary Parking Zone
1981 119
Mike Caveney The Perpetual Pinocchio Thimble endless thimble production, with long thimble as a climax
1981 127
Mike Caveney The Giant Thimble Production
Related to 1981 140
Arthur Setterington Thimble Finger "Here are a couple of gags which create a great deal of amusement and surprise especially amongst the ladies."
mummified finger in box
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 6)
John Ramsay Stack of Thimbles Transfer from hand to hand
1982 46
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Mit drei Fingerhüten three different colored thimbles change places, two phases
Also published here
  • in "Genii" vol. 11, Nr. 4. P. 109.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 43 No. 6)
Karrell Fox Triple Thimble Vanish routine
1986 23
T. Page Wright Move Number One thimble pushed in hand vanishes, then reappears
1991 51
T. Page Wright Move Number Two vanish and reproduction
1991 52
T. Page Wright Move Number Eight with ditch
1991 60
Joe Mogar The Macho Vanish four thimbles vanish one by one
Also published here 1995 1065
Joe Mogar The Macho Vanish four thimbles vanish one by one
Also published here 1996 19
Steve Beam Bare-Handed showing both hands empty with a silk while holding out thimble(s)
1997 69
Joe Mogar TNT Production four thimble production
1997 75
Joe Mogar The Macho Vanish four thimbles vanish one by one
Also published here 1997 80
Joe Mogar Proctologist Vanish four thimbles vanish in silk
1997 87
Joe Mogar Tuck, Tuck, and Away thimbles vanish in silk, reproduced on other hand
1997 92
On Thimble Climaxes jumbo thimble, metal jumbo thimble for cups & balls transition
1997 98
Joe Mogar Silk Starters four ways to start a thimble routine with a silk
1997 127
Joe Mogar Stolen & Recovered four thimbles on four fingers quickly vanish ans reappear, with silk
Related to 1997 128
Joe Mogar A Card Trick thimble production behind fan of four playing cards
1997 133
Joe Mogar Half a Trick clean production and vanish, half-thimble gaff
Related to
  • Willane's "Methods for Miracles No. 13 - Edward Victor's Thimble Manipulation"
1997 143
Joe Mogar Toasted thimble changes into burned and melted thimble
1997 145
Edward Loyd Enochs Up the Arm thimble pushed into elbow, travels back to finger
Also published here
  • "Loyd's Master Manipulation of Thimbles", 1931
1997 152
Killer Thimbles thimble tossed up and caught on finger
Related to 1997 153
Joe Mogar The Travelers thimble jumps around
  • Forefinger to Thumb
  • Fourth Finger to Thumb
1997 164
Steve Beam The Dismount thimbles make plop sound when taken off finger, last thimble when shaken
Also published here 1997 177
Steve Beam Pop Test thimbles make plop sound when taken off finger, last thimble when shaken
Also published here 1997 179
Steve Beam Wind Up thimbles apparently screwed onto fingers with sound effect, watch winder
1997 181
Steve Beam Feedback sound effect ideas for thimbles
1997 182
Joe Mogar The Dismount thimbles make plop sound when taken off finger, last thimble when shaken
Also published here 1997 10
Joe Mogar Pop Test thimbles make plop sound when taken off finger, last thimble when shaken
Also published here 1997 11
Joshua Jay Ballistic Band-Aid Band-Aid on finger jumps from finger to finger (thimble-like sequence), finally vanishes and appears stuck on selected card
1999 116
Forefinger Catch
July 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 7)
Forefinger Catch
2011 81
Mike Caveney Giant Thimble Production load from table, with preliminary sequence with thimble and silk
Related to 2013 23