188 entries in Liquid / Appearance & Production
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Advice whereby you may drinke a Tunnell full of drinke, and afterwards seeme to poure the same all out of your sleeve againe double funnel
1634 36
Glass fills with Water prop cover
1876 367
The Bowls of Water and Bowls of Fire produced from a Shawl
1876 371
The Mysterious Funnel tin funnel with double walls
1876 379
The Coffee Trick Coffee berries changed to Hot Coffee, White Beans to Sugar, and Bran to Hot Milk, prop heavy
Variations 1876 388
Empty Glass to Full Glass using table with changing trap
1876 444
Newspaper Cuttings Turned into Pale Ale paper cuttings in glass covered with handkerchief, transforms into beer
Related to 1890 359
The Inexhaustible Punch-Bowl three methods
1890 368
The "Coffee Trick" - Improved prop heavy
Inspired by 1890 371
Trick Funnel
1890 378
Carl Willmann Briefkasten answering letters, opening spring flower loads, Prof. Hermann (Herrmann), fire eating, sealing filled glasses for productions
Nov. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Wein- und Wasser-Kunststücke production of glasses with liquid, rubber covers, double ended stemmed shot glass
May 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Das Goldfischglas bowl with water and gold fish is produced from borrowed handkerchief, load from table, see also p. 39 for patter
Oct. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 2)
H. F. C. Suhr Die chinesische Kaffeefabrikation brown and white paper confetti changes into coffee and milk, sugar also produced
Related to Dec. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Leo Errera Der Regen im Wasserglase tiny raindrops in a glass cylinder, chemical
Jan. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 1)
M. Jacops Der feuchte Thaler water squeezed out of borrowed coin, sponge starts behind ear
Dec. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Wie gewonnen, so zerronnen No. 15, bowl of water appears underneath handkerchief and vanishes again
1899 53
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Die unsichtbare Macht No. 30, glass with water produced from borrowed handkerchief, from chair servante
1899 89
Der wandernde Wein No. 6, bottle emptied into two glasses, bottle put into spectator's pocket, performer and spectator drink the glasses, bottle is full again
1900 123
Die neue Kaffeefabrikation No. 16, pieces of paper put in two containers, they change into hot coffee and milk
Related to 1900 146
H. Goldschmidt Das chinesische Wasserkunststück water appears in two bowls, Chinese water bowl, loaded with water-filled rubber balls
Sep. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 9)
Emil Clauß "Mit Wasser bleib' mir fern!" water vanishes from glass, is then reproduced via funnel from elbow of spectator, nesting glasses
Apr. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Paul Oestert Eine moderne Cognac-Fabrikation cognac production
Mar. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 3)
Heinrich Collin Der Felsen der Wüste liquid pressed out of pumice stone, performed in gloves with secret rubber tube
Apr. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 4)
Carl Willmann Mephisto's Kartenspiel deck put on top of wine glass, wine comes out of deck and fills glass
Aug. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 8)
Carl Willmann Das sich füllende Weinglas glass covered with paper cone, it is full afterwards, container gimmick to fill the glass
Dec. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 12)
Woldemar Richter-Braun Der Taler als Quelle coin changes into water, water tossed into air and coin reproduced from it
Nov. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Joseph Michael Hartz The Witches' Kettle and Magic Punch Bowl
  • hanging kettle filled with water, changes into ducks or similar
  • punch appears in empty bowl
Also published here 1911 700
Joseph Michael Hartz The Witches' Kettle and Magic Punch Bowl
  • hanging kettle filled with water, changes into ducks or similar
  • punch appears in empty bowl
Also published here 1911 159
Louis F. Christianer The Flying Silks and Jar of Confetti jar with confetti, covered with cloth, confetti has vanished and hot coffee is found, two silks vanish and are produced dry from hot coffee, coffee changes back to confetti
1919 11
Oswald Rae A Visible Coffee Tranistion conical glass filled with confetti, changes to hot coffee
1926 57
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Beelzebub's Likörglas liquid appears in liqueur glass
1927 19
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Marpinger Wunderwasser water does not pour through sieve, then water appears from funnel, tin funnel with double walls
1927 57
Oswald Rae Something from Nothing tube is sealed with paper and rubber bands on both ends, hole in paper and at will, black coffee, milk or milk coffee is produced, eventually sugar and biscuits are poured out
1928 36
The Weeping Queen water drops fall from coin, sponge behind ear
1935 30
Dr. C. J. Diestel The Weeping Coin water drops fall from coin
1935 37
W. F. "Rufus" Steele Letter "P" Trick No. 47, card and alphabet card are chosen, Queen produced from under performer's shoe, letter is P and the Queen starts to pee
1935 42
John Goodrum Glass Of Liquid From Card Fan
1937 42
Robert Parrish Glasses, Glasses, Everywhere! three glasses with liquid produced
1937 44
John Goodrum The Pause That Refreshes four glasses with liquid produced
1937 46
Dr. Edward G. Ervin An Impromptu Production glass with water produced from wrapping paper
1937 46
David E. Swift The Pencil Fountain water is produced from borrowed pencil
1938 831
U. F. Grant Tomato Cocktail tomato vanishes from paper bag, where only tomato skin remains, in cup appears tomato juice
Related to 1940
The Jinx (Issue 103)
R. D. Spraker, Jr. Cocktail Cup Routine several drinks appear with different methods, outline of routine
May 1940
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Lloyd W. Chambers Fisherman's Mat cardboard shown on both sides is rolled into a tube, water and goldfish poured from it, pocket inside cardboard
1941 2
Al Baker The Naomi Goldfish Bowl Production
Also published here 1941 122
Han Ping Chien, George LaFollette, Danny Morris Gaglet Department
  • appearance and vanish of a bowl bit (Han Ping Chien)
  • on the Lota Bowls (Lafolette)
  • lose thread pulled from jacket gag (Morris)
Aug. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 15)
Eddie Joseph Liquid Production rubber balloons hidden in cup
1942 40
Eddie Joseph The Water Fountain small water fountain comes out of mouth-side-up cup
1942 40
Eddie Joseph The Three Glasses loading liquids under cups, using "Squeeze-It" props
1942 41
Eddie Joseph Masterpiece Glass of Liquid Production from cup
1942 44
Eddie Joseph Brimful of Wine wine production from cup
1942 49
Franklin M. Chapman An Egg Bag - Maybe with filled whiskey glass production as climax
Also published here 1942 1
Franklin M. Chapman Drink From Nowhere filled glass appears under handkerchief, starts in sleeve with rubber ball
1942 4
Franklin M. Chapman Napkins and Hats four rolled up napkin pieces travel under two hats, climax production of filled glass
1942 8
Tom Sellers Cups and Balls Notion water finale for cups and balls
1943 7
Tom Sellers Productive Goblets silk and liquid produced from goblets
1943 17
Hen Fetsch Gaglet idea for bowl of water from a table
Apr. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 34)
Yogi Ray Yogi Ray's Night Club Milk Glass handling for the Patriotic Glass
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1944)
Ben Fineson A Routine with Liquids combination of the Lota Bowl, water funnel and Anti Gravico
June 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 63)
George Starke Salt and Water salt travels from hand to hand, then water appears
May 1944
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Harlan Tarbell Water Production from Paper Cup
1945 39
George L. Neilson An Original Routine with the Milk Pitcher and other Items most Magicians Have
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1945)
Production of a Glass of Liquid from silk
July 1945 135
Senor Charles Mardo The Perfect Rice Bowls rice doubles in quantity, water is produced in bowls, improved gimmick
1945 25
George McAthy Colossal Glass of Beer Production with handkerchief
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
Milbourne Christopher Fire and Water foulard burned and restored, bowl of water produced
Jan. 1946 184
Laurie Ireland Bossie Cow big cardboard cow, tail pumped glass fills with milk
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1947)
Eugene Gloye Magic in Milk Containers ideas with milk container, gaffed
  • A Gag I Call "As You Wish, Sir"
  • The Milk Man has a hard Time
  • Passe Passe Bottles with a Milk Bottle
  • Very Best Cake in Hat
  • Dove Bottle ala Milk Carton
  • A Lota Effect
  • Topsy Turvy Bottle
  • Perfect Passing Glass of Milk
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1947)
J. B. Bobo Glass of Liquid Production appears under handkerchief, loaded from sleeve
1947 83
Sid Lorraine, Bert Douglas Watch the Lemon lemon is supposed to travel into glas, only skin remains, lemonade in glass
Inspired by
  • "The 'Lemon Crush' Mystery" (Sid Lorraine, Linking Ring Vol. 2 No. 11, 1924)
Related toVariations
1948 75
Production of a large Bowl of Water body load, chinese costume
1948 375
Production of Stack of Four Bowls of Water stage
1948 380
Chinese Production of the Four Bowls body loading, stage
1948 385
Modern Production of a Bowl of Water on a Table gaffed table
1948 387
Bob Madison The Great Trunk Trick plunger rise with handkerchief cover, drink appears as climax
1948 16
Don Tanner Dye Extracting Dye Tube glass of colored liquid poured out of dye tube as finale
Dec. 1948 12
Jack Miltour Apparition d'un verre de lait milk appears in glass, using two tubes, followed by german translation "Erscheinung eines Milchglases"
Jan. 1948 6
Jack Yeager Spirit Tears water produced from thimble
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
U. F. Grant Cups and Balls Finale small cups, one filled with drink
Jan. 1949 14
Bobby Bernard Your Choice, M'sieu' chosen drink appears inside cocktail shaker, using spiral bound svengali type pad to force drink
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1955)
Leonard Austin Enchanted Cylinder tube is filled with confetti, then silks and and water is produced from the tube, ghost tube modified to produce water
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Bert Douglas Blue Ribbon Beer Mystery confetti in tumbler turns into beer, under handkerchief
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Harlan Tarbell Confetti to Malted Milk in two cups
Mar. 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 343)
Harlan Tarbell An Empty Cup Fills with Milk with two cups
Mar. 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 343)
Harlan Tarbell Milk Multiplication with cups
Mar. 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 343)
Harlan Tarbell Multiplying Corn Flakes and Milk rice bowls variation with cups
Related to Mar. 1957
The New Phoenix (Issue 343)
Lane Bateman Ideas for Magicians
  • idea to combine Liquid Appear / funnel with the Milk Pitcher
  • idea for Irealnd Tall-Gro Flower
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1958)
Bobby Bernard Intimacy in Close Up Magic. Demonstration Effect. Your Choice M'Sieu brief, selected drink appears in shaker
1958 7
Charlie Miller Fish Bowl Production
1961 72
Charlie Miller Bag for Glass of Water Production tip
1961 73
Charlie Miller Bowl Trick water bowls, "shown by Long Jack Sam"
1961 79
Max Malini Production of a Bowl of Water brief, body load, chinese costume
Related to 1962 40
Max Malini Water from Cane water drops from cane, same method for weeping coin
Related toVariations 1962 45
Max Malini Production of a Glass of Beer under hat, guessing game with coin
1962 50
Jules "Borosko" Sautebin Erscheinen eines Milchglases empty glass is covered with two tubes, filled with milk
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 23 No. 5)
Burl Sparks Liquid Production
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1963-64)
Production of a Bowl of Water gaffed table
1965 132
Jochen Zmeck Tips - Tricks Anregungen various brief ideas
  • Wasser marsch!
  • Papierzerreissen
  • Glühlampe und Karte
  • Match to Flower
  • Tuchgag
  • Eierbeutel
  • Lichtetui
Also published here
  • in "Methodische Reihe der Zauberkunst"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 26 No. 2)
Tony Slydini Have a Ball! production of salt, liquid or something else using secret hollow ball with loop
1966 63
Horace E. Bennett Unfair Shake two in the hand (here dice cup) one in the pocket, then die change color and size twice, as a kicker a shot glass appears under the cup
Variations 1967 113
Marconick Tambourine Production empty glass pushed through paper of tambourine ends up filled with milk
1967 54
Gerard "Bruno" Bruning Color Ad Pour colored liquid from newspaper, enough to fill a few shot glasses
1968 60
Art Spring Crushed orange is supposed to travel into glas, only skin remains, orange juice in glass, simplified, see p. 337 for Sid Lorraine reference
Inspired by Mar. 1970 325
Alan Shaxon A Milky Opening routine where milk disappears in a paper cone and in a hat, with glasses
Also published here 1970 11
Billy McComb "P" pea can, spectator writes letter on billet, put in tube, changes into water, pee gag
1972 132
Theo "Okito" Bamberg Gobi Bowl bowl is filled with confetti from a box, confetti changes into water, uses the Substitution Principle
Also published here 1973 110
Steve Spillman Organic Magic corner of card travels into organic wheat germ capsule inside bottle, as a climax drink is poured from bottle
Also published here 1973 ca. 8
Robert Parrish Stole Steal two bowls of water produced from stole of assistant
Summer 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 9th Folio)
Rowan Brooks Beer and Girl from Barrel
1974 70
Amedeo Vacca Pea-Can Steal pea changes into water in (double) tube
1974 35
Phoa Yan Tiong Der Ring von Monte Christo
  • colored ring travels from handkerchief to small cone
  • liquid from tube, glass appears
Related toAlso published here
  • The Gen
July 1974
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Phoa Yan Tiong, Lewis Ganson Der Ring von Monte Christo
  • colored ring travels from handkerchief to small cone
  • liquid from tube, glass appears
Related toAlso published here
  • "The Gen"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 35 No. 6)
Steve Spillman Organic Magic corner of card travels into organic wheat germ capsule inside bottle, as a climax drink is poured from bottle
Also published here 1974 44
Eddie Fechter Goblin Tube coin changes into water, with Goblin Tube, gag
Also published here 1974 15
Faucett Ross The Famous Two-Bowl Production
1975 72
Faucett Ross Fish Bowl From Hat Produce small fishbowl of goldfish from his hat, suitable for close up
1975 77
Le Temple Le Temple's Jumbo Bowl Production Produce large bowl of water
1975 78
Faucett Ross Egg Bag Finish Produce jigger of whisky from egg bag
1975 134
Tony Slydini Production of a Glass of Liquid empty glass is suddenly filled, handkerchief cover, table edge glass switch
Related toVariations 1976 103
Bob Ostin Liquid Production From Cup liquid production as an ending for dice stacking routine, brief
Also published here 1976 ca. 10
Ross Bertram My Favorite Drink empty tumbler fills with beverage, table edge glass switch
Related to 1978 115
Don Tanner Silks & Liquids red silk placed in cloth bag, out comes a white silk, and a glass with red liquid
1978 9
Richard Cawolsky Boat Thru tiny boat is pushed inside balloon, it comes out along with water
1978 84
Coffee and Milk Cups "The Kellar Cups", cups poured with confetti change into coffee and milk
1978/76 248
Karrell Fox Liquahank silk wrapped up, liquid poured out of it
1979 241
Johnny Cooper Surprise Finish to the Vanishing Cane Trick cane rolled in newspaper, vanishes, newspaper rolled up again and wine poured out of it
1980 30
Peter Faesi Benzin aus Iran presentation for Ganga, gasoline
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 41 No. 3)
Steve Spillman Organic Magic corner of card travels into organic wheat germ capsule inside bottle, as a climax drink is poured from bottle
Also published here 1980 79
Danny Korem Extinguished Smoker cigarette vanishes, water appears in hand, two thumb tips
1981 93
Theo "Okito" Bamberg The Bowl of Confetti and Water bowl is filled with confetti from a box, confetti changes into water, uses the Substitution Principle, with a more concrete description of Okito's Handling than in "The Oriental Magic of the Bambergs"
Also published here 1982 14
Eugene Burger Glass Production producing a filled shot glass from spectators coat
Also published here 1982 61
Marconick You'd like another, Sir! Certainly! whiskey produced in glass, under handkerchief
1982 25
John Kennedy Inexhaustible Soda Can can emptied several times, ganga/lota with can, can reseals itself, opened again and it is full again, no switch, glass with two walls
1983 23
John Kennedy Instant Liquid Production & Vanish using silk and stemmed wine glass without base
1983 28
Jim Snapp Biology Lesson #1 "Biology Lession # 1", two in the hand one in the pocket with napkins, water squeezed out of one as climax
1984 (ca.) 6
Wayne Kyzer, Steve Beam The Dusty Drink glass fills up several times, funny patter
Inspired by 1985 182
Alan Shaxon Eine milchige Eröffnung routine where milk disappears in a paper cone and in a hat, with glasses
Also published here 1986 5
Richard Osterlind The Challenge Glass of Water Production from empty, examined paper bag
1986/99 9
Tim Harkelroad Milked gag, milking a thumb of a spectator, adding milk to coffee
Related to 1987 291
Jean de Merry Le Sourcier tap plug placed on thumb, when turned water flows from fist
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 6)
Joe Givan A Bloody Good Point hand drawn on paper is pinched by a needle, performer receives pain at same places and also blood stains
Inspired by 1987 25
Patrick Page Whisky Tot filled shot glass produced from purse frame
1988 16
Patrick Page The Biro Can empty can without top, coin tossed in and rattles, then beer poured out, tube gimmick
Also published here 1990 11
Patrick Page Die Biro-Dose empty can without top, coin tossed in and rattles, then beer poured out, tube gimmick
Also published here Nov. 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 3)
Bob King Bob King Dice Routine two in the hand (here dice cup) one in the pocket, then die change color and size, as a kicker a shot glass appears under the cup
Inspired by 1991 6
Marconick Vermehrungs-Becher two bowls, drinking and producing water
1992 41
The Cloudburst Coin water is pressed from coin
1993 65
Classic Water Bowl Production
1993 78
A Drink to Order keg of beer is drawn, spigot inserted in drawing, beer comes out
1993 220
The Mysterious Self-Filling Lota
1993 228
Ching Ling Foo Magic Water Can different design for lota type bowl
1993 231
Eddie Fechter Goblin Tube coin changes into water, with Goblin Tube, gag
Also published here 1993 137
Yuji Wada Ground Up borrowed finger ring vanishes, coffee beans multiply in two mouth-to-mouth cups, then real coffee appears, ring then found in sugar bowl
Apr. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 8)
Gary Darwin Darwin's BlackArt Lota Lota vase keeps refilling indefinitely, longer than it should
1998 37
  • paper streamer from bottle
  • using Niffin bottle for Multum in Reverse
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 2)
Eugene Burger Glass Production producing a filled shot glass from spectators coat
Also published here 2000 41
Simon Lovell Coins, Dice and Grandfather's Beer! some bar bets, then full glass of beer produced
  • Stage One - Selling the Roll Out
  • Stage Two - Selling the Six Dice Stack
  • Stage Three - Grandfather's Beer
2000 143
Erich Tauer-Turmi Germains Wasservasen in neuer Art cups shown empty by stuffing silk in them, water appears, hindu cups
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 2)
Erich Tauer-Turmi Die Wandernde Flasche with liquid production in glass
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 2)
Erich Tauer-Turmi Die Punschmaschine metal apparatus for appearing liquid
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 2)
Christoph Borer Graf Dracula needle through balloon, balloon starts bleeding
Also published here 2001 35
Don Miller Water-Shooting Wand
Aug. 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 12)
Thomas Fraps O²J - Optical Orange Juice production of a glass of orange juice under a handkerchief
Related to 2002 2
Mac King, Mark Levy Parkay Pimple Popper dirty yellow liquid appears when squeezing a pimple
Also published here
  • Tricks With Your Head
Mar. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 7)
Al Baker The Naomi Goldfish Bowl Production
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
Al Baker Lota Bowl Finesse
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Vol. 29 No. 4, June 1930
2003 625
Andrew Mayne Bucket Head bucket placed over head, then liquid is produced
2003 10
Jeff McBride Rain Fire paper ribbon held between the hands is burned, then water fountain comes out of both hands, hidden balloons
2003 65
David Parr Blood From a Stone
2003 366
Rick Bronson No Sweat! sweat from forehead take up with towel, lots of water pours out when wrung out, gag
2005 23
Bob Ostin Liquid Production From Cup liquid production as an ending for dice stacking routine, brief
Related to
  • "Mini Foo' Gimmick" in "New Pentagram" December, 1976.
Also published here
2005 19
Jim Steinmeyer Half a Cup of Coffee
  • Conjuring
performer holds two cups, one is half full the other empty, he pours some into the empty cup and now both are half full, more phases, double-walled coffee shop plastic cups
Inspired by
  • "Drinka Pinta" (The Magic of Robert Harbin)
Apr. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 4)
David Ben The Weeping Knife
Inspired byRelated to Oct. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 10)
Ben Train Water Transpo transposition with glass à la John Scarne, with cloth and card becoming wet by itself
2012 27
Mike Caveney Chinese Pipes Chinese Sticks with pipes that have water faucets at the end, water stream with high pressure comes out of one as finale, Patrick Albanese
2013 201
Eric Stevens Aqua Pura Oil and Water routine, end with all the cards becoming red, and producing shot glass of liquid from a fan of cards
2015 61
Christoph Borer Digitaler Cocktail cocktail is chosen from brochure, then glass appears and when brochure is turned over, chosen drink pours out
Also published here 2016 169
Alexander de Cova Bierkrug Produktion filled beer glass from paper bag
Variations 2016 13
Adrian Vega Tequila Güey (Apilamiento Dados) magical dice stacking routine where lemon, salt shaker and glass of Tequila appears
2017 61
Alexander de Cova Schaumgummibälle sponge ball becomes soaked with water
2017 81
José Carroll The hip-flask deck drink poured from deck
Related to
  • Magic up do Date, W.H.J. Shaw, 1896
2019 264
Eugene Burger Retribution pentagram hole appears in one of three tarot cards, blade used to cut into performer's arm with stage blood, story presentation
Related to
  • Eugene Goes Bizarre video 1990
2019 139
Max Malini Filled Glasses as Final Loads body-loaded without covers
2022 152
Max Malini Weeping Coin/Weeping Cane water drops from cane, same method for weeping coin
  • Weeping Cane (or Knife like David Ben)
Related to 2022 199
Max Malini Chinese Water Bowl Production body load, Chinese costume
Related to 2022 395
Christoph Borer Count Dracula needle through balloon, balloon starts bleeding
Also published here 2024 122
Christoph Borer Digital Cocktail cocktail is chosen from brochure, then glass appears and when brochure is turned over, chosen drink pours out
Also published here 2024 139