Written by Jamie Masterson
Work of Jack Carpenter
148 pages (Hardcover), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with photographs
Language: English
74 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Jack Carpenter Jack: Acknowledgements
Jamie Masterson Jamie: Acknowledgements
Allan Ackerman Foreword
Jack Carpenter Introduction
Jamie Masterson Preface
Jack Carpenter Final Jazz Aces Jazz Aces in which both four-card packets transform as a kicker
Braue Addition and Switch
Jack Carpenter Finessed Elmsley Count packet is turned face up with a step so two indices are visible before the count begins
Jack Carpenter No-Palm Queens to Pocket four Queens in the hand, they travel to pocket one by one, possible follow-up for "Jumping Gemini"
Related to 12
Jack Carpenter Never Bet On A Sure Thing! five-card monte routine, cards eliminated one by one, transformation kicker
Ken Krenzel, Trevor Lewis Monte Plus Plus out-jogged handling
Also published here 16
Scoop Change Addition as clean up for packet trick
Jack Carpenter, Jamie Masterson Fast Tracker Jacks selection lost, a card of same value as selection appears between two black Jacks that are waved over deck, repeated twice, then Jacks vanish and appear in deck with selection sandwiched
Inspired by 18
Jack Carpenter Vanish Choreography sandwich is covered between both hands, sandwiched card slides out and other two cards vanish
Jack Carpenter Four Flight deck cut into four piles, Aces change to Kings in the hand and Aces are found on top of the four tabled piles
  • "King Swing" (Jack Carpenter's At the Table Lecture, 2014)
Jack Carpenter Pick-Up Transfer packet held in dealing position, same hand turns over top card of a tabled pile, card really coming from packet in hand
Jack Carpenter, Jamie Masterson The J&J Knot Routine
  • Phase One: Rope Through Neck
  • Phase Two: Knot Free Rope
  • Phase Three: Clean Jumping Knot (from one end to other)
  • Phase Four: Knots to Pocket and Back!
Jack Carpenter Déjà Vu Doo deck shuffled face-up/face-down, then ambitious card phases, then deck rightens itself
Inspired by 33
John Guastaferro The Swivel Display riffling down the front and back of beveled incompletely faroed deck
Jack Carpenter Quadratic Hold'em Stack stacking four Hold 'em hands in one riffle shuffle
Jack Carpenter The JC Hustle Shuffle tabled riffle shuffle, bluff type, one half consists of only one card
Related to 38
Jack Carpenter Apple Core Aces quick cutting to the Aces sequence using a knife that is stabbed in to the deck to "cut" to them
Jack Carpenter Deep Erdnase Break
Jack Carpenter Stab Force Variation with knife
Jack Carpenter 452 Control four Aces are lost one by one in four piles that are assembled at the same time, all Aces are together, can retain the order of the deck
  • Sightless Crimp Addition (Jamie Masterson)
Jack Carpenter Game, Set, Match! spectator cuts off a pile, deals it into two hands and riffle shuffles them together, performer counts off the same amount of cards, they are in the same order of mates, bottom deals
Related to 50
Jack Carpenter Strike Bottom Deal Count Handling rearranging cards while counting them in the hands via bottom deals
Inspired by 52
Jack Carpenter The Burn & Turn story presentation for poker routine with only ten cards
Dai Vernon The Vernon Optical Move
Jack Carpenter One Minute Monte with rhyming patter
The Hype monte throw
Jack Carpenter A Very Hot Trick coin produced from flame of lighter, then flame itself is picked up with other hand and changed into candy
  • Additional Thoughts
Variations 64
Jamie Masterson A Very Hot Three Coin Production three-coin production from lighter
  • Advanced Shuttle Pass Option
Inspired by 66
Jack Carpenter Be Honest, Where Am I? two Queens transpose, then change into black Aces
Inspired by 68
One-Handed Bottom Deal brief
Jack Carpenter A New York Minute multi-phase short change routine
Jack Carpenter Card Shark School Ace assembly with twelve red spot cards and Aces, the other three packets change to Jacks, Queens and Kings, red spot cards are found reversed in center
Jack Carpenter High Speed Pop-Outs Forton Pop-Out variation
Jack Carpenter Change Up (Fechter With A Twist) tabled coins across with three coins on each side, extra coin
Inspired by 82
Jack Carpenter The Ping Pong Shuffle passive strip out
Inspired by
  • Ping Pong Shift, Vernon's Revelation
Jack Carpenter Just Another Night in Las Vegas Hotel Mystery story presentation with transformations
Jack Carpenter Pressure Fan Get-Ready getting break under a specific number of cards after closing a fan
Jack Carpenter The Drop & Peel Switch
Related to 91
Jack Carpenter Impossible Switch-Out three of four on top of deck, multiple shift application
Jack Carpenter The Simple Life three Jacks are distributed in deck and left out-jogged, one by one they visible travel to top to join the leader Jack
Jack Carpenter Tracker Slacker Aces lost in tabled deck, located again with shuffle tracking presentation
Gamblers False Triple Cut
Jack Carpenter The Expert's Triple Duke
  • Shuffle Number 1
  • Shuffle Number 2
  • Shuffle Number 3
Inspired by
  • Jack Carpenter's Hybrid Stack
Steve Forte i-Strip brief
Also published here 100
Jack Carpenter Jacks or Better face card on two halves of deck in stepped condition change to Jacks, then the remaining two Jacks appear at top and bottom as well
Baltazar Fuentes Shake Change as bottom half is turned face-down and shaken
Edward Victor The Victor Change jogged/stepped halves, face card of back half changes
Jack Carpenter The A Team every Ace does its own trick, last one travels to case
Jack Carpenter Slithering Pip Display Three as Ace in four-card packet
Related to 104
Jack Carpenter All Alike Display reverse spread for last card
Jack Carpenter Ace Kickback Opener Aces are placed on deck and transpose with whole deck
Jack Carpenter One and Done! deck shuffled face-up/face-down, instant Aces production, then rest rightens itself and is in new deck order
Jack Carpenter Sweeping Rollout Production Pivot Revelation to get into instant Aces production
Inspired by 112
Jack Carpenter Scissors Shift Aces lost, performer does a one-handed shuffle, Aces are on top, featuring one-handed cut to get into one-handed riffle shuffle that is a strip-out cut for a multiple shift
Jack Carpenter Scissor Spin Cut
Jack Carpenter Gambler's Le Temps Switch using a bill as cover
Jack Carpenter Just For Fun (Where's the Glass?) card on top and bottom of glass transpose, then glass vanishes and is reproduced from inside jacket
Jack Carpenter, Jamie Masterson Interview with the Carpenter
Bonus Section: A Tribute to Jack
Jamie Masterson Jamie's Wild Ride
  • Phase One: Purist Twister
  • Phase Two: Aces to Queens
  • Phase Three: Aerial Queens to Pocket
  • Phase Four: Signed Aces from Pockets Climax
Edward Marlo ATFUS
Edward Marlo Underground OPEC Count
Brother John Hamman Gemini Count
Aerial Dub-a-Dub Vanish in-the-hands
Jamie Masterson South Street Flip-Switch four Jacks under spectator's hand transpose one by one with four black cards in performer's hand, repeat in one go, the spectator's cards transform into four Royal Flush cards which are completed by card placed into spectator's sleeve at the beginning
Inspired byRelated to 140
Charles T. Jordan Jordan Count
Earl Nelson Slow-Motion Top Change uncredited
Related to 142
Steven Hamilton Dupli-Temps Switch two packets are apparently exchanged
Related to 144
Jamie Masterson Credits & References
Data entered by Denis Behr, August 2024.