excursus \n "observations on hocus pocus junior"
essay on the book \n steve burton
Steve Burton
the epistle to the reader \n \n hocus pocus junior
Hocus Pocus Junior
The Epistle to the Reader
the originall of legerdemaine, and how it come first into this kingdome \n \n hocus pocus junior
Hocus Pocus Junior
The originall of Legerdemaine, and how it come first into this Kingdome
the definiton of the art of legerdemaine, with its principal parts \n magic has two parts: magic tricks and work with stooges \n hocus pocus junior
Hocus Pocus Junior
The Definiton of the Art of Legerdemaine, with its principal parts
the end of the art of legerdemaine \n entertainment vs. deceiving people \n hocus pocus junior
Hocus Pocus Junior
The end of the Art of Legerdemaine
the definition, or description of the operator \n \n hocus pocus junior
Hocus Pocus Junior
The Definition, or description of the Operator
of the play of the balls \n \n unknown
Of the Play of the Balls
palming small balls \n \n unknown
Palming Small Balls
apparently swallowing ball \n after false transfer \n unknown
Apparently Swallowing Ball
how to make a great ball seem to come through a table into a cup \n from bottom of table to under cup after spectator checked the cup by himself \n unknown
How to make a great Ball seem to come through a Table into a Cup
other very pretty tricks with bals \n "two in the hand and one in the pocket" precursor, balls, one phase \n unknown
Other very pretty tricks with Bals
another \n one ball split in two \n unknown
another \n ball travels from hand to hand \n unknown
how to make a stone seeme to vanish out of your hand \n lapping the stone while asking a question \n unknown
How to make a stone seeme to vanish out of your hand
another \n another stone vanish via lapping \n unknown
how to make a card vanish, and finde it againe in a nut \n duplicate card is split and printed side slit into nut beforehand, second nut filled with ink as joke when spectator opens it \n unknown \n how to tell what card anie man thinketh, how to conveie the same into a kernell of a nut or cheristone, &c: and the same againe into ones pocket: how to make one drawe the same or anie card you list, and all under one devise \n unknown
How to make a Card vanish, and finde it againe in a Nut
Related to
fake animal \n rocky racoon precursor \n unknown
Fake Animal
how to seeme to eate a knife \n knife swallowing, reproduced from pocket \n unknown \n to eate a knife, and to fetch it out of anie other place \n unknown
How to seeme to eate a Knife
Related to
how to rap a wag on the knuckles \n sucker gag in which spectator is rapped on knuckles \n unknown \n how to rap a wag upon the knuckles \n unknown
How to rap a Wag on the knuckles
Related to
how to seeme to swallow a long pudding made of tinne \n ball transforms into collapsable tin cone and is swallowed \n unknown
How to seeme to swallow a long pudding made of Tinne
how to seeme to cut ones nose halfe off \n knife with half-moon cut out \n unknown \n to cut halfe your nose asunder, and to heale it againe presentlie without anie salve \n unknown
How to seeme to cut ones nose halfe off
Related to
how to seeme to pull a rope through your nose \n crotch with thread through it, really inside the wood around nose \n unknown \n to drawe a cord through your nose, mouth or hand, so sensiblie as is woonderful to see \n unknown
How to seeme to pull a rope through your nose
Related to
how to make a pile of counters seeme to vanish thorow a table \n cap & pence through table, die appears instead on top of table which started in hollowed stack \n unknown
How to make a pile of Counters seeme to vanish thorow a Table
how to seeme to put a ring through ones cheeke \n ring apparently through cheek (with slit and spinning illusion), is taken off and put onto stick that two people hold \n unknown \n to put a ring through your cheeke \n unknown
How to seeme to put a ring through ones cheeke
Related to
how to seeme to thrust a bodkin in your fore-head \n knife through head with blade that slips into handle, optional sponge with blood for additional gore effect \n unknown \n to thrust a bodkin into your head without hurt \n unknown
How to seeme to thrust a Bodkin in your fore-head
Related to
how to put a locke upon ones mouth \n lock with slit
- the use of it \n unknown
How to put a locke upon ones mouth
how to breathe fire out of your mouth \n \n unknown
How to breathe fire out of your mouth
how to draw ribbins of any colour out of your mouth, and to deliver it by the yard \n mouth coils \n unknown \n how to pull laces innumerable out of your mouth, of what colour or length you list, and never anie thing seene to be therein \n unknown
How to draw ribbins of any colour out of your mouth, and to deliver it by the yard
Related to
how to make two bels come into one hand, having put into each hand one \n bell travels from hand to hand, with bell in sleeve to fake sound of bell in hand \n unknown
How to make two Bels come into one hand, having put into each hand one
how to make a jugling booke, or a booke for waggerie \n blank book becomes printed \n unknown \n how to make a booke, wherein you shall shew everie leafe therein to be white, black, blew, red, yellow, greene, &c. \n clarvis
How to make a Jugling booke, or a booke for Waggerie
Related to
bonus genius or nuntius invisibilis \n small wooden figure vanishes in cap, head comes off and body is secretly removed in advance \n unknown \n the "bonus genius," or vanishing doll \n unknown \n the little messenger \n unknown
Bonus Genius or Nuntius invisibilis
Related to
boxes to change graine \n box with false bottom and layer of grains glued on it, turned over for transformation or vanish, also appearance in bell type box \n unknown \n boxes to alter one graine into another, or to consume the graine or corne to nothing \n unknown \n how to conveie (with words or charmes) the corne conteined in one box into an other \n unknown
Boxes to change Graine
Related to
how to vanish a glasse full of beere \n coin on table, glass with beer placed on top, "is coin in or under glass?", verification used to lap full glass, coin stuck to fingers is reproduced from nose and glass from pocket \n unknown
How to vanish a glasse full of Beere
how to seeme to cut off a mans head, it is called the decollation of john baptist \n decapitation illusion \n unknown \n to cut off ones head, and to laie it in a platter, &c: which the jugglers call the decollation of john baptist \n unknown
How to seeme to cut off a mans head, it is called the decollation of John Baptist
Related to
how to make the face of a childe to appeare in a pot of water \n small fake head secretly dropped into water bottle, also with frog \n unknown
How to make the face of a Childe to appeare in a pot of water
advice whereby you may drinke a tunnell full of drinke, and afterwards seeme to poure the same all out of your sleeve againe \n double funnel \n unknown
Advice whereby you may drinke a Tunnell full of drinke, and afterwards seeme to poure the same all out of your sleeve againe
how to seeme to make a tooth drop out with a touch \n big tooth drops out of mouth, gag? \n unknown
How to seeme to make a tooth drop out with a touch
another conceipt to procure laughter \n two items held far apart, challenge to bring them into one hand without moving the hands together \n unknown
Another conceipt to procure laughter
how to make two or three egs dance upon a staffe \n eggs balanced on stick \n unknown
How to make two or three egs dance upon a staffe
a merry conceit \n gag in which a spectator is rapped on the knuckles as coins are handed out \n unknown
A merry conceit
how to knit a hard knot upon a handkercher, and to seem to undoe the same with words \n converting square knot into slip knot \n unknown \n of fast or loose, how to knit a hard knot upon a handkercher, and to undo the same with words \n unknown
How to knit a hard knot upon a handkercher, and to seem to undoe the same with words
Related to
a notable feat of fast and loose; namely, to pull three beadstones from off a cord, while you hold fast the ends thereof, without removing of your hands \n \n unknown \n a notable feate of fast or loose; namelie, to pull three beadstones from off a cord, while you hold fast the ends thereof, without removing of your hand \n unknown
A notable feat of Fast and Loose; namely, to pull three beadstones from off a Cord, while you hold fast the ends thereof, without removing of your hands
Related to
to turne a threed, and so make it whole againe with the ashes thereof \n \n unknown \n to burne a thred, and to make it whole againe with the ashes thereof \n unknown
To turne a threed, and so make it whole againe with the ashes thereof
Related to
to cut a lace asunder in the midst, and to make it whole againe \n more string than rope, extra piece is cut \n unknown \n to cut a lace asunder in the middest, and to make it whole againe \n unknown
To cut a Lace asunder in the midst, and to make it whole againe
Related to
a very strange tricke whereby you may seeme to cut a piece of tape into 2. or 4. parts, and make it whole againe with words \n \n unknown
A very strange tricke whereby you may seeme to cut a piece of Tape into 2. or 4. parts, and make it whole againe with words
of divers pretty jugling knacks \n - producing dry powdered spices from mouth
- paddle type trick with straw in one of three holes in paddle that jumps around \n unknown \n of diverse petie juggling knacks \n unknown
Of divers pretty jugling knacks
Related to
feats by conveyance of money \n classic palm, very brief \n unknown \n of conveiance of monie \n unknown
Feats by conveyance of money
Related to
a notable trick to transform a counter into a groat \n double sided coin glued from two filed down coins, another thin cover disc stuck onto it with wax to show both sides of coin (pre-shell), then disc stolen away and coin changes cleanly in one hand \n unknown \n a notable tricke to transforme a counter to a groat \n unknown
A notable trick to transform a Counter into a Groat
Related to
an excellent feat to make a twopeny peece lie plaine in your hand, and to be passed from thence when you lift \n one-handed coin vanish with wax on nail to bring coin to sort of back-palm position \n unknown \n an excellent feat, to make a two penie peece lie plaine in the palme of your hand, and to be passed from thence when you list \n unknown
An excellent feat to make a twopeny peece lie plaine in your hand, and to be passed from thence when you lift
Related to
how to transforme any one small thing into another forme by folding of paper \n buddha papers to change coins \n unknown \n to transforme anie one small thing into anie other forme by folding of paper \n unknown
How to transforme any one small thing into another forme by folding of paper
Related to
how to convey money out of one of your hands into the other by legerdemaine \n coin travels from hand to hand after false transfer, tapped with knife for sound illusion \n unknown \n to conveie monie out of one of your hands into the other by legierdemaine \n unknown
How to convey money out of one of your hands into the other by Legerdemaine
Related to
how to make sixe pence seeme to fall thorow a table \n coin vanishes from handkerchief with dummy coin inside and penetrates table and falls into glass held underneath \n unknown \n to make a groat or a testor to sinke through a table, and to vanish out of a handkercher verie strangelie \n unknown
How to make sixe pence seeme to fall thorow a Table
Related to
how to seeme to blow a sixe pence out of another mans hand \n coin pressed into spectator's hand vanishes, and reappears at sleeve \n unknown \n to conveie a testor out of ones hand that holdeth it fast \n unknown
How to seeme to blow a sixe pence out of another mans hand
Related to
how to deliver to one man one sixpence, and to another another sixpence, and to make both the testors come into one mans hand \n "double lift" with coins, double put into spectator's hand (sponge ball trick with coins), coin stolen from palm of another spectator with sticky fingers \n unknown \n to put one testor into a strangers hand, and another into your owne, and to conveie both into the strangers hand with words \n unknown
How to deliver to one man one sixpence, and to another another sixpence, and to make both the testors come into one mans hand
Related to
conveyance of cards and dice \n mentioning card tricks and principles without details
- divided cards
- advantage dice by cutting off a strip
- "nipping" (punch?), corner crimp, dots \n hocus pocus junior
Hocus Pocus Junior
Conveyance of Cards and Dice
of confederacy \n listing some effects with stooges, most of them can be found in "discoverie of witchcraft" by reginald scot \n hocus pocus junior
Hocus Pocus Junior
Of Confederacy